Tiga Mantan Anggota SDF Dinyatakan Bersalah Atas Tindak Asusila Terhadap Bawahan Perempuan

FUKUOKA, Dec 18 (NHK) - Pengadilan Jepang telah menetapkan tiga mantan anggota Pasukan Bela Diri Jepang (SDF) bersalah atas tuduhan pelecehan seksual terhadap seorang bawahan perempuan.

Pengadilan Distrik Fukushima pada hari Selasa (12 Des) menjatuhkan hukuman penjara dua tahun, ditangguhkan selama empat tahun, kepada Shibuya Shutaro, Sekine Akito dan Kimezawa Yusuke.

Jaksa penuntut menuntut hukuman dua tahun penjara, dengan tuduhan bahwa ketiga terdakwa menyentuh Gonoi Rina melalui pakaiannya di sebuah fasilitas pelatihan di Hokkaido pada Agustus 2021.

Ketiga terdakwa mengaku tidak bersalah. Mereka mengaku memaksa Gonoi untuk turun dengan menggunakan jurus-jurus bela diri, namun mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak berniat untuk melakukan tindakan yang tidak senonoh.

Hakim ketua Miura Takaaki mengatakan kesaksian Gonoi di pengadilan sesuai dengan kesaksian para petinggi yang hadir di pesta tersebut dan dapat dipercaya. Dia mengatakan bahwa poin penting dari kesaksian lain dari atasannya juga selaras dan perilaku ketiga terdakwa mengarah pada tindakan seksual. ...continue reading


Four individuals arrested in the case where a couple's burnt bodies were found in Nasu Town, Tochigi Prefecture, were revealed to have frequented the same club in Shibuya, Tokyo.

The annual 'Mamada-no Jaga Maita' was held Sunday in Oyama, Tochigi, where locals carry a giant snake made of bamboo and adorned with fern leaves to pray for favorable weather, abundant harvests, and protection from plagues.

Despite the unseasonable heat, many visitors crowded in to view a total of 333 carp streamers, both large and small, displayed today, on Children's Day, in front of Tokyo Tower.


The Ageuma Shinji (Horse jumping festival) still faces condemnation from animal rights activists, despite the removal of earthen walls to improve safety.

In the ancient city of Kamakura, an experimental initiative promoting walking to address over-tourism issues and potentially unveil new charms took place. Local residents express hopes that this experiment will not only alleviate congestion but also lead to the discovery of fresh attractions.

In preparation for SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024, exhibitions were held on the weekend across various locations in Tokyo highlighting sustainable technology for the future.

School absenteeism among Japanese elementary and middle school students has surged to approximately 300,000, with many students struggling to return after long holidays like Golden Week. In this context, a sixth-grade girl who overcame school absence shared her story.

Despite the unseasonable heat, many visitors crowded in to view a total of 333 carp streamers, both large and small, displayed today, on Children's Day, in front of Tokyo Tower.