Japan lifts operational ban on world's biggest nuclear plant

Dec 28 (Business Times) - JAPAN’S nuclear power regulator on Wednesday (Dec 27) lifted an operational ban imposed on Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (Tepco) Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant two years ago, allowing it to work towards gaining local permission to restart.

Tepco has been eager to bring the world’s largest atomic power plant back online to slash operating costs, but a resumption still needs consent from the local governments of Niigata prefecture, Kashiwazaki city and Kariwa village, where it is located.

When that might happen is unknown.

With capacity of 8,212 megawatts, the plant has been offline since 2012 after the Fukushima disaster a year earlier led to the shutdown of all nuclear power plants in Japan at the time.

Source: ANNnewsCH


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Kobe University announced on March 30th that it has discovered a molecular compound, termed "Mn007," that can inhibit infections caused by the necrotizing fasciitis-inducing bacterium known as Group A Streptococcus, commonly referred to as flesh-eating bacteria.

In a rare botanical event, a photographer in Fukuoka captured the blossoming of bamboo flowers, a phenomenon said to occur only once every 120 years.


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