News On Japan

The first volume of Reiji Otake's "The Man Who Won't Divorce CASE2" was released on Tuesday, February 20, continuing the gripping tale of Jo Nagase, an actor at the pinnacle of both popularity and talent, who finds himself embroiled in a nasty scandal.

A panel of experts has compiled a draft report outlining key issues for the revision of the adult guardianship system, which is designed to manage the property and affairs of individuals with dementia and other conditions on their behalf.

A film director arrested for sexually assaulting a woman aspiring to be an actress under the guise of acting instruction reportedly told her that "sometimes you have to be naked to appear in movies," according to investigative sources.

As the new NISA and the current stock market boom fuel the investment fever among the younger generation, there's a growing voice suggesting that experience may be more valuable than financial investment at a young age.

Tanggal 22 Februari diperingati sebagai "Hari Kucing" di Jepang, dengan para pemiliknya yang dengan sukarela memberikan suguhan spesial untuk hewan peliharaan paling populer kedua di negara ini.

In this year's Shunto (spring wage negotiations), Honda and Mazda provided full responses to their labor unions on the 21st, marking the earliest responses among major automakers. Both companies plan to implement wage increases at a high level, and the focus is on whether this trend will spread further.

"Kastil Permen" seharga 270.000 yen, dengan lebar 2 meter dan tinggi 70 sentimeter, mulai dijual minggu ini, tetapi tidak lama kemudian terjual habis. "Saya berencana untuk membeli penyedot debu, tetapi..." Siapa orang yang membelinya?

The main store of Niku no Mansei, an iconic Western-style barbecue restaurant in Akihabara, has announced it will close next month.

The release date for the movie "Crayon Shin-chan: My Dinosaur Diary," based on the original work by Yoshito Usui, has been set for August 9, 2024. A 90-second trailer has also been released.

It is difficult to answer how to write a PhD thesis by yourself. It’s a very complex scientific study. But first, you need to determine the goal of your research.

Amid the Liberal Democratic Party's slush fund scandal, taxpayers are voicing their anger, leaving those working at tax filing offices bewildered.

With the classification of COVID-19 downgraded to Category 5, many families are considering travel during the first spring break since the change. However, due to rising prices and the influx of travelers, accommodation costs within Japan have also surged.

The Japan Meteorological Agency is showcasing its new supercomputer, which will come online from May 5th, to enhance the prediction accuracy of linear precipitation zones that cause heavy rainfall.

Japan's Kanto region is experiencing a sudden drop in temperature since yesterday's highs, with caution being advised for heavy rain in Western Japan and Ishikawa Prefecture.

Dengan adanya regulasi NISA terbaru dan popularitas yang meningkat di pasar saham saat ini, yang memicu minat besar dalam investasi di kalangan generasi muda, ada pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa pada usia muda, pengalaman mungkin memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada investasi finansial.

Hiroo Yano, the founder of the 100-yen shop chain Daiso, operated by Daisho Industries, has passed away. He was 80 years old. Born in Beijing, China, in 1943, Yano founded the predecessor to Daiso, "Yano Store," in 1972.

Recent research reveals that sleeping on a pillow that is too high can increase the risk of stroke. Experts warn that pillows higher than 12 centimeters should be used with caution, as the risk increases with height.

For the 150th "Miyako Odori," a spring tradition in Kyoto's Gion district, geisha and maiko have been fitting their costumes.

A massive Taiwanese semiconductor company has made its way into a town in Kumamoto Prefecture with a population of 43,000.

Hokkaido telah mengajukan proposal untuk "pajak akomodasi" yang akan dikenakan pada tamu yang menginap di hotel dan penginapan, dengan biaya berkisar antara 100 hingga 500 yen tergantung pada tarif akomodasi.

Hokkaido has drafted a proposal for an "accommodation tax" to be levied on guests staying at hotels and inns, with charges ranging from 100 to 500 yen depending on the accommodation rate.

In Japan's cosmetics industry, amid intensifying competition in China, which is the largest export market, there is a growing trend to enhance production and sales in Southeast Asia, where the population is increasing.

Starting April, some major fast-food chains, including McDonald's Japan, will begin charging for bags at select locations. McDonald's Japan has announced that starting April, 23 stores in Nagasaki Prefecture will introduce a fee of 5 yen per bag for customers who use shopping bags.

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of its establishment, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has launched a special exhibition at the Police Museum, showcasing items such as Japan's first wooden license from the Meiji era.

Over 20 Ukrainian companies visiting Japan joined Japanese firms in a business matching event aimed at reconstruction efforts.

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