News On Japan

Japanese manga series “Tiger Mask” is being adapted into a live-action feature for the international market by Italy’s Fabula Pictures and Brandon Box and Japan’s Kodansha. (Variety)

Approximately 4 million yen in cash was found in trash at a recycling plant in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture.

Spicy tomato, seafood, teriyaki chicken, Korean barbecue, cheese curry. Or for those with a gargantuan appetite, an “American breakfast” – all served in a pot along with a block of air-dried noodles. (The Guardian)

For many of us, particularly those of a certain age, Japan is the country that built the gaming industry. (

Japan has condemned the seizure of a Japanese-operated cargo ship by Yemen's Houthi rebels in the Red Sea, south of Israel. (CNA)

Japan has begun holding exams for foreign workers whose job types have been newly added to the list of fields that are eligible to get the country's Category 2 residence status. (NHK)

Osaka Digital Exchange (ODX) revealed that its Proprietary Trading System (PTS) “START” for security tokens will begin operations by Dec. 25, according to a Nov. 20 statement. (

A project to create a new episode of Japanese manga legend Tezuka Osamu's Black Jack series with the help of generative AI has been completed and previewed to the media. (NHK)

Sebuah truk terbakar di jalan raya di Hokkaido, pulau utara Jepang, setelah ban belakangnya terlepas.

Penjualan "Lotere Jumbo Akhir Tahun," yang berhadiah total 1 Miliar Yen, telah dimulai pada hari Selasa.

Video footage has emerged of a truck engulfed in flames on a highway in Hokkaido, Japan's northern island, after its tire fell off.

Uang tunai sejumlah 4 juta yen ditemukan di tempat sampah di pabrik daur ulang di Kota Fukuyama,Hiroshima.

Private companies are expected to exceed last year's winter bonuses for the third consecutive year, according to four private research firms, with an average payout per person rising between 2.1% to 2.5%.

Sales of the "Year-End Jumbo Lottery," offering 1 billion yen in total prize money, kicked off Tuesday.

Sekarang banyak orang asing yang datang ke Jepang dan menikmati budaya kami. Namun, sebagian besar pengunjung hanya melihat permukaan dari budaya Jepang. Sejujurnya, ada banyak budaya tersembunyi di Jepang. Sama seperti sebuah koin, Jepang memiliki berbagai sisi. (Japanese Comedian Meshida)

Now many foreigners come to Japan and enjoy our culture. However, most visitors just see the surface of Japanese culture. To be honest, there are many hidden cultures in Japan. The same as a coin, Japan has different sides. (Japanese Comedian Meshida)

Satu dari empat pasangan yang menikah dalam setahun terakhir di Jepang bertemu melalui aplikasi pencari jodoh. Hal ini memiliki proporsi yang sama dengan mereka yang bertemu di tempat kerja, menurut survei terbaru yang dilakukan oleh Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. (

The Azabudai Hills complex in Tokyo's Minato Ward, which includes Japan's tallest building, was unveiled to the media on Monday ahead of its opening on Nov 24.

Kenji Endo sedang tertidur di kamarnya sebagai mahasiswa, sambil mendengarkan suara musik rock 'n' roll Amerika, yang kini telah menjadi hal biasa di radio Jepang sejak masa pendudukan pasca-Perang Dunia II. (Far Out)

Foreigners are losing the Chinese market. For Volkswagen, 2023 will be the year of the worst sales in China since 2012. Hyundai, Toyota, Nissan and the Europeans are also losing market share. Nissan and Huindai, for example, are experiencing their worst years in the market since 2009, Banksta's tg channel writes, Azernews reports. (

A video discussing false molestation accusations ("chikan enzai") has been resonating on social media, coinciding with the introduction of a men-only carriage.

An accident involving four motorbikes while racing on the Suzuka Circuit in central Japan on Sunday has left one rider dead.

Toyota 1-2-3 victory at home! Watch full highlights and exclusive onboard footage (FIA World Rally Championship)

Kenji Endo is slumbering in his student room, casually listening to the sound of American rock 'n' roll, which has now become commonplace on Japanese radio since the days of post-World War II occupation. (Far Out)

There was double delight for Japan as both the men’s and women’s team became the final regional qualifiers for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 with victory in the Asia Rugby qualification tournament in Osaka. (

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