News On Japan

Trump and Crump need to sit down and do peace talks

Jun 10 ( - When one watches the news about what is currently going on in the US, it is depressing.

It makes one feel like they want to check out from life, visit the Fair Go casino login page, and play a few online games.

But there is only so long that good people can check out from life and still return to find that life has not been completely taken over by the crazies.

How did it begin?

If you have not been paying attention, I will try to quickly summarize things. George Floyd tried to buy cigarettes from a store with a counterfeit $20 bill in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Four police officers came to discover Floyd sitting in his car.

In video, the police took Floyd out of his car, and sat him on the ground. From the video, it looks like Floyd was high on drugs, and the autopsy report confirmed this. A minute or two later, the police officers gently tried to escort Floyd to their police car.

The camera was a security camera, so the end of the video that I watched the next scene is in the far top left corner of the screen. Floyd looks like he fell to the ground, and you see one of the police officers starting to kneel down. At this point, the video ends.

Other videos show the police officer keeping his knee on Floyd’s neck for over 8 minutes waiting for the ambulance to come, while Floyd is saying, “I can’t breathe.” Floyd was also recovering from COVID-19, and one of the symptoms of COVID-19, even with supposed “recovering” patients is trouble breathing.

Floyd died and all 4 police officers were fired, and are currently in police custody waiting for trial.

There is rioting and protests all over the nation. Some of it is “standard expected looting and rioting”, while other parts look like controlled and coordinated efforts. Different people say that different extremist groups with different agendas are behind that part of it.

But since a lot of cities are arresting people and then just letting them go with no charges and no paperwork, nobody is ever really going to know who exactly is behind what. But there are videos that show behavior that is not expected in what would be considered “peaceful protests”.

Shinzo Abe should volunteer to mediate peace talks between Trump and Crump

It is time for both sides, Trump and Crump, to sit down at the peace table and for peace talks to begin. Trump is the President of the United States. Benjamin Crump is the lawyer representing the family of George Floyd.

But there needs to be a mediator, and there is nobody in the US who can realistically be a true mediator. Everybody has a side. Everybody has an opinion. The US needs somebody from the outside that has a political stand in the world equal to Trump’s standing in the world. But it also has to be somebody who both sides believe will be unbiased. There is no leader of a country that I think that can fit that description better than the leader of Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

As for the location of the talks, I think that they should be in the National Archives Museum in the room where the US Constitution documents are stored on disiplay. Both Trump and Crump need to be viewed as equals and that cannot be accomplished with a meeting at the White House. While having a meeting in the room where the US Constitution is stored … both men did take an oath to protect and defend the constitution. So from that perspectives, they are both equals.

Why the leader of Japan?

I was impressed with Japan’s finance minister’s response to why Japan has such low numbers of COVID-19 patients.

Finance Minister Taro Aso said Thursday that, "Japan's relatively low mortality rate from the new coronavirus reflects the country's higher "level of social manners."

"I have received phone calls (from overseas) asking 'Do you have any drug that only you guys have?' My answer is the level of social manners is different, and then they fall silent," said Aso, who doubles as deputy prime minister, at a parliamentary session in the House of Councillors.

I think that both Japan and the US would agree that the personality of the average Japenese citizen is a lot different than the personality of the average American citizen. It is a leader with that difference that American needs as a mediator.

I hope that Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is reading this, and that he does volunteer his services as arbitrator. The US needs help, and the help realistically can only come from the outside.

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