News On Japan

Foreign tourists visiting Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture, known as "Little Edo," have surged to about 6.2 times the number of the previous year.

Seekor paus yang tersesat ke Teluk Osaka dan tidak bisa bergerak telah dipastikan mati pada hari Senin. Pihak berwenang sedang mempertimbangkan untuk menguburkannya di darat atau memindahkannya ke area laut lain.

An ultra-luxury tower mansion in Umeda, Osaka, with apartments priced as high as 2.5 billion yen ($16.6 million), has seen a surge in popularity, with a lottery held on Monday to determine prospective buyers.

The Nikkei average stock price is nearing its all-time high from 34 years ago. We compare the "bubble period" with today and explore the impact on daily life.

The University of Tokyo has decided to establish a new 5-year educational program in the fall of 2027, aiming to nurture talent capable of solving global societal issues such as decarbonization.

Following last year's "Egg Shock," there is now concern over the recent price increases of tomato products such as ketchup and whole tomatoes, with the term "Tomato Shock" being used by some in the restaurant industry to describe the new reality.

Vertical reading manga (webtoons), which have been hits as drama originals in Japan and Korea, have recently gained attention. Vertical reading manga are optimized for reading by scrolling vertically on a smartphone.

The issue of popular serialized manga being leaked online before their official release dates, known as "early leaks," is becoming a significant problem. This phenomenon, often facilitated by platforms like YouTube, deprives both creators and eagerly awaiting readers of the joy of experiencing new releases as intended.

The Hokuriku Shinkansen extension, set to open on March 16, has brought significant changes to Fukui Station, one of the new stops. A life-sized dinosaur monument in front of the station gives a prehistoric ambiance, with a Tyrannosaurus also being constructed.

Director Takashi Yamazaki, whose film "Godzilla Minus One" has been nominated for an Academy Award in Visual Effects, has shared insights into the production process in Los Angeles. This marks the first time a Japanese film has been nominated in this category.

Known as "Japan's Buffett," 87-year-old day trader Shigeru Fujimoto has amassed a fortune of 2 billion yen. Starting as a pet shop employee and later running a mahjong parlor, Fujimoto became a full-time investor, mastering the art of day trading.

As we enter the Year of the Dragon, an intriguing urban legend has resurfaced, claiming that dragon-themed video games are released more frequently during these years. The years in question are 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and now 2024. We'll examine the dragon games launched in each of these years to determine the truth behind this myth.

Bunga plum mencapai musim puncaknya lebih awal dari biasanya di Kofu karena musim dingin yang hangat. Taman Furoen, tempat yang terkenal dengan bunga plumnya, menjadi saksi mekarnya lebih dari 2.000 pohon plum dengan berbagai warna, termasuk merah, putih, dan merah muda, yang terdiri dari 30 jenis yang berbeda.

The February 19th issue of 'Weekly Playboy' magazine features the globally recognized DJ SODA on its cover, while inside readers will find a feature on Sakuragi Cocona from Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku (Private Ebisu Junior High School), a Japanese female idol group.

Temperatures across Japan on Sunday, February 18, soared to levels typical of March or April. In Ishikawa Prefecture, which suffered damage from the Noto Peninsula earthquake, the mercury rose, forcing evacuees in plastic greenhouses to take measures against the heat.

In the construction industry, where labor shortages are becoming increasingly severe, both the government and companies are focusing on acquiring female talent. We investigated the efforts of a construction company where women are leading the way on the job site.

In an effort to move away from car-dependent society, Gunma Prefecture launched its version of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) last year. This service allows users to book and pay for various public transportation options, such as trains and buses, using just a smartphone.

Japanese golfer Hideki Matsuyama claimed his ninth career victory on the American Tour on Sunday, marking his first win in two years.

An inaugural match was held Sunday at Kanazawa Stadium, Hokuriku's first soccer-dedicated stadium, where players sent cheers to the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake.

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has created the first "Drinking Guidelines" indicating the amount of alcohol in drinks that can increase health risks.

In tropical Thailand, a culinary phenomenon is taking place: the Japanese "yakiimo" or roasted sweet potato. This humble snack has undergone a remarkable evolution in Thailand, captivating the nation with its sweetness and texture.

Suhu udara di Jepang pada hari Minggu, 18 Februari, melonjak ke tingkat yang biasa terjadi pada bulan Maret atau April. Di Prefektur Ishikawa, yang mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa di Semenanjung Noto, suhu udara meningkat, sehingga memaksa para pengungsi yang berada di rumah kaca plastik, untuk mengambil sejumlah tindakan untuk melawan panasnya suhu udara.

A whale that had strayed into Osaka Bay and become immobile was confirmed dead on Monday. The authorities are considering whether to bury it on land or move it to another marine area.

The owner of an emu that went missing last week has informed police that the emu has returned home, after several sightings of unusually large bird roaming in Fukuoka's Aburayama.

The town that consumes the most Natto, a traditional Japanese sticky fermented soybean dish, known for its strong, pungent smell, is not in Ibaraki where most people think, but in fact much further north, as revealed through data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

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