News On Japan

The shipment of the uniquely shaped square watermelons, a specialty of Zentsuji City in Kagawa Prefecture, has begun again this year, gaining popularity overseas.

Two employees at a Kyoto cleaning shop have been arrested for allegedly injuring a fellow worker by putting him in a large washing machine. The victim, who has an intellectual disability, is believed to have suffered regular abuse.

An AI-powered on-demand transportation service called "Fujieda Mobi" has begun a pilot program in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

The trailer for the upcoming film 'My Love!' has been released, featuring Miho Watanabe, a former member of Hinatazaka46 who has since become an actress, and Masaya Kimura, leader of the global boy group INI. Both actors make their film debut in this movie, co-starring for the first time.

Seven-Eleven, a major convenience store chain, has entered the pizza delivery market with a focus on delivering freshly baked pizzas. Delivery staff from Seven-Eleven, carrying large backpacks, are now delivering piping hot pizzas.

In the early Showa period, Nara’s "Motoryu" geisha district was bustling with activity. However, over time, it has gradually declined, leaving only Kiku, the mistress of the teahouse Tsuruya, as the last geisha. To prevent the lights of the district from going out, she has launched an innovative initiative to break tradition. We followed her efforts closely to see if this bold step could turn the situation around.

Joint training exercises were conducted by the police and fire departments in Tochigi Prefecture to prepare for water accidents in rivers, ahead of the summer vacation season and the approaching typhoon season.

In the Kaga Onsen region, situated between Ishikawa's Kanazawa City and Fukui City, local municipalities are leveraging the extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen in March 2024 to boost tourism.

Universal Studios Japan (USJ) unveiled its summer water event on July 2, giving visitors a sneak preview.

The heatwave has not only affected the land but also brought unexpected changes to the sea. On July 3, Tokyo recorded a temperature of 34.8C, the hottest day of the year so far. This intense heat has also triggered unusual occurrences in the ocean, including shark attacks on aquaculture farms.

The Japanese government has requested all water utility companies to report the results of water quality tests by the end of September regarding the organic fluorine compound "PFAS." But what exactly is PFAS, and is Japan's tap water safe? Based on interviews with Koji Harada, an associate professor at Kyoto University, we delve into the topic.

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has released the results of its "Fiscal Verification," a process conducted every five years to estimate the future levels of public pension benefits. The ministry has decided to withdraw its proposal to extend the national pension contribution period by five years in the upcoming pension system reform.

Japan's Supreme Court has ruled for the first time that the country's defunct Eugenic Protection Law, which forced people with impairments to undergo sterilization surgery, is unconstitutional. (NHK)

Once an isolated country that had its doors closed to the outside world, keeping it out of tourists' reach for centuries, Japan has fallen into the opposite extreme in recent decades, becoming one of the most sought-after travel destinations in the world, visited by millions of tourists every year.

The whole Commons celebrate graduation nights which serves as the gemstone over the length of endeavours of a business enthusiast of years of work and discipline with endless determination.

Three infant bodies were found in a man's apartment in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, after he called the police stating, "I have something to talk about."

In the first half of this year, the market experienced significant fluctuations, marking a historic turning point for the Japanese market. The Nikkei Stock Average surpassed 40,000 yen for the first time in March. Meanwhile, despite the high-interest-rate environment in the United States, the economy remained robust, and stock prices continued to hit record highs.

オンラインカジノを選ぶ際には、いくつかの重要な点を考慮することが重要です。 以下では、そのポイントについて詳しく解説します。

In the early hours of July 2nd, a large ferry ran aground after colliding with a pier at Tomakomai Port in Hokkaido. The incident left 140 passengers and crew stranded on board for over 10 hours.

In Asahikawa, Hokkaido, two suspects, a 21-year-old woman and a teenage girl, have been arrested for allegedly pushing a high school girl off a bridge, resulting in her death. The woman, identified as Riko Uchida, filmed the high school girl sitting on the bridge railing with her smartphone, new evidence reveals.

The second daughter of Shoko Asahara, the former leader of Aum Shinrikyo, appeared in court to request the handover of his ashes, expressing her desire to mourn his death as a daughter.

In this chess game of the world economy, the dollar has always played a decisive role, reaping the harvest in the wheat fields of the world economy like a sharp scythe in the hands of the United States.

The site of the methane gas explosion at the Osaka-Kansai Expo venue was opened to the media on Tuesday, revealing the area where the explosion occurred during restroom construction in March this year, when a spark from welding ignited flammable gas. It was found that methane gas had accumulated underground.

The traditional lottery ceremony determining the order of the floats for the Gion Festival, one of Japan's three major festivals, took place on Tuesday.

A planned pink bench for a greenway redevelopment project in Shibuya, Tokyo, is stirring controversy due to its high cost.

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