Jul 17 (tokyoreporter.com) - Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 64-year-old man following a stabbing incident that left one man injured in Taito Ward on Sunday, reports Nippon News Network
At about 9:30 p.m., a police box near Tobu Railway Asakusa Station received a report about the incident. Officers arriving at the scene found the man, aged in his 20s, with wounds to his abdomen.
He was sent to a hospital with injuries not considered life-threatening.
Police subsequently arrested a 64-year-old man in possession of a blood-soaked kitchen knife with a 17-centimeter-long blade on suspicion of attempted murder.
The suspect admitted to stabbing the victim. However, during questioning, he spoke in nonsensical terms, police said. "The guy I stabbed, I've seen him around, but I don't know his name or address," the suspect said.
Source: ANNnewsCH