News On Japan

Can Vegetables Be Grown in Space?

AICHI, Sep 08 (News On Japan) - Toing, a startup spun off from Nagoya University, is developing artificial soil by carbonizing rice husks and infusing them with proprietary microorganisms, using high-functioning biochar called "Soratane" to promote decarbonization and plant growth.

The inspiration behind the company came from a project focused on "space farming." We interviewed CEO Kohei Nishida about their strategy to target overseas markets.

At Toing's farm in Kariya, Aichi Prefecture, various vegetables such as eggplants and peppers are being grown, but the real point of interest is beneath the surface. When asked about the soil, Nishida responded, "It's not soil; we call it Soratane, which is our high-functioning biochar."

This specially developed biochar is extremely light and dry, having been treated with microorganisms. "Our bio technology is key. Even if another farmer tries to replicate it, it likely won’t work as well," Nishida explains.

The biochar is created by heating rice husks to high temperatures and turning them into charcoal. The addition of the company’s unique microorganisms boosts soil nutrients, acting as a substitute for chemical fertilizers, and enhances plant growth. Other agricultural waste, such as tea leaves and food scraps, can also be used to create Soratane, without affecting the crops' quality.

Toing is collaborating with around 200 farmers to reduce chemical fertilizer usage. Nishida emphasized that the vegetables grown with Soratane are more environmentally friendly.

Toing, founded out of Nagoya University, is now expanding its business worldwide, aiming to change the future of agriculture with Soratane. Nishida explains that Soratane, meaning "space charcoal," originated from their initial goal to develop a space agriculture system. "We still continue to work on space farming projects, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries," Nishida added.

When asked about the benefits of using Soratane, Nishida responded, "It allows for efficient use of fertilizers, reducing chemical fertilizer consumption while also strengthening the plants against diseases, thereby enhancing soil functionality." Soratane can improve the breakdown of nitrogen and other cycles, making it much easier to manage compared to traditional organic farming.

Soratane offers an advantage to organic farmers, enabling them to maintain higher crop yields. According to Toing's research, it can increase yields by 10% to 70%, depending on conditions, and reduce the reliance on chemical fertilizers.

One of the secrets behind Soratane's effectiveness lies in the specific microorganisms Toing uses. Nishida explains, "We adapt the types of microorganisms to different soil types across Japan. Each soil type requires a customized approach."

The longevity of Soratane's effects can last between three to five years, after which it needs to be reapplied. "We communicate with farmers to tailor the application based on their needs," Nishida adds.

Although Toing continues its space farming research, Nishida is also looking at how Soratane could be used in extreme environments on Earth, such as deserts. However, he noted that solving water shortages would be necessary to make farming in deserts possible.

In terms of water retention, Nishida explained that biochar improves the soil’s ability to retain water, which is advantageous for farming. "It can also enhance the soil’s water-holding capacity and reduce soil compaction," he said.

Toing sources the raw materials for Soratane from industrial waste, helping to reduce environmental impact and promote decarbonization. The biochar sequesters carbon in the soil, potentially for hundreds or thousands of years, helping mitigate climate change.

Nishida concluded by stating that as Soratane spreads, it could play a crucial role in revolutionizing global agriculture.

Source: テレ東BIZ

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