基準値3700倍のレジオネラ属菌も…福岡の老舗旅館 湯の交換…年2回
Feb 25, (ANNnewsCH) - 福岡の老舗旅館『二日市温泉・大丸別荘』では、去年8月と11月に保健所が行った検査で、浴槽内から最大で基準値の3700倍のレジオネラ属菌が検出されました。
Japan inn in hot water for bathwater bacteria 3,700 times the limit
A century-old ryokan traditional inn in southwestern Japan has only been changing its hot spring bathwater twice yearly, leading to legionella bacteria levels as much as 3,700 times over standard limits, local officials said Friday. ...continue reading
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