News On Japan
Society | 5

A leader of a massive scouting group has been arrested on suspicion of introducing women to illegal 'fuzoku' establishments. The group is believed to have earned around 7 billion yen through tactics described as akin to human trafficking.

A 46-year-old man arrested for vandalizing a restroom inside the Imperial Palace during the New Year's public greeting has been sent to prosecutors, with further investigations underway into graffiti found on a nearby manhole.

In 2025, all members of the postwar baby boomer generation will reach the age of 75 or older, becoming what is categorized as late-stage elderly. The sudden surge in people requiring care has raised concerns over the so-called "2025 Problem," posing a serious challenge to caregiving services.

On New Year’s Day 2024, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck Japan's Noto peninsula and claimed nearly 470 lives. One year later, survivors of the devastating quake still live in temporary accommodation in the town of Wajima. (South China Morning Post)

During the New Year's holidays from January 1st to 3rd, two elderly men in Tokyo lost their lives after choking on mochi, according to the Tokyo Fire Department, which has issued a warning urging caution when consuming the traditional rice cake.

A Shinto ritual wishing for abundant harvests and good fishing throughout the year was held at Hakozaki Shrine in Fukuoka City, one of Japan’s three major Hachiman shrines.

During the first general audience in two years at the Imperial Palace, attended by over 60,000 people, the Imperial Guard arrested a 46-year-old man from Zama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, on suspicion of defacing a restroom on the palace grounds.

Reports of rodent infestation have surged nationwide in recent years, posing increasing challenges for homeowners. The issue, which is particularly evident during the year-end season, has left many families struggling to find effective solutions.