TOKYO, Mar 11 (News On Japan) - In the opening 7 minutes of the documentary film "My Family," showcased at the TBS Documentary Film Festival 2024, the story unfolds around Tomoko Kubota, who, unable to conceive, welcomed a newborn into her family through special adoption in 2019.
"Mommy and Daddy love you so much," she affectionately tells her 2-year-old daughter, who smiles back in response. Kubota is entering a phase called "truth telling," where she feels it's time to reveal to her daughter that she has another mother – her birth mother.
Kubota's strong desire to have this conversation with her daughter stems from a past regret. She seeks to confront her family's history, engage with the woman who gave birth but couldn't raise her child, and discover the right way to share this "truth."
Directed by Tomoko Kubota, the documentary delves into the complexities of adoption, the bond between the adoptive and birth mothers, and the importance of honesty in shaping a child's identity.
Source: TBS