TOKYO, Mar 27 (News On Japan) - Following the movie sequel "Lupin the Third vs. Detective Conan: The Movie," which was released in December 2013, the collaboration between the popular characters Lupin and Conan continues...
Following a hunting accident that results in the deaths of Queen Sakura and Prince Gill of the Vespania Kingdom, Princess Mira is set to inherit the throne. Unable to accept her mother and brother's deaths, Mira refuses to ascend to the throne. During a reception in Tokyo, Mira seizes the opportunity to escape and ends up switching places with Ran, who bears a striking resemblance to her. While Ran is in Mira's place, Mira enjoys a brief taste of freedom with Fujiko and Lupin. Meanwhile, Conan teams up with Daisuke Jigen to uncover the truth behind the hunting accident...
On March 31st at 7:00 PM, BS12 TwellV's "Sunday Anime Theater" will broadcast "Lupin the Third vs. Detective Conan."
Source: Dengeki