Apr 23 (News On Japan) - In the teaser for the upcoming Netflix game show "The 8 Show – The Ultimate Money Show," eight contestants are lured by the promise of a cash prize and find themselves trapped inside a mysterious eight-story building.
The longer they stay, the more money they can win, but lurking within are immense dangers.
Each contestant, motivated by the lure of a significant cash prize, finds themselves locked within an enigmatic eight-story building, where the rules are simple yet challenging: the longer they remain inside, the larger the potential reward.
However, the building hides more than just secrets; it presents a series of increasingly perilous and psychological challenges designed to test the limits of the contestants' courage, trust, and survival instincts. As the game progresses, alliances may form, tensions rise, and the true nature of each participant is unveiled, all under the ever-present eye of the show's enigmatic host. With each floor representing a new level of difficulty and reward, the contestants must decide how much they are willing to risk in pursuit of ultimate victory.
Source: Netflix Japan