TOKYO, Apr 26 (News On Japan) - The comedic spin-off from the "Unified Japan" series, "Yamazaki Group: George and His Merry Friends," is scheduled for a DVD release on June 25, 2024, promising another delightful chapter in the saga that blends drama and light-hearted comedy.
The story follows Himuro and Tamura who arrive at their office one day, greeted unexpectedly by several adorable animals. It turns out that these animals were impulsively bought by a drunken George. Despite their frustration with George's irresponsible behavior, Himuro and Tamura find themselves hesitating to use harsh words in front of the animals' pleading eyes.
George's antics don't stop there. A complaint comes in from the Masaki Group accusing George of extorting money, which leads Himuro and Tamura to impose a drinking ban on him. Despite his initial resistance, George attempts to abide by the ban, starting a training regimen under the guidance of Nakajima and Kawakami.
Source: 日本統一公式