May 01 (News On Japan) - "Blue Archive: The Animation" is a TV anime adaptation of the popular mobile game "Blue Archive." The anime is set in the expansive, fictional city of Kivotos—a massive academy city composed of thousands of schools.
Here, students are not only engaged in academic pursuits but also take part in managing the city's affairs and resolving various conflicts.
The narrative follows the students of Abydos High School, a school enveloped in the desert sands and facing the threat of closure. In response, a group called the "Countermeasures Committee" is formed by five students dedicated to saving their school. Their efforts take a pivotal turn when they encounter an adult simply known as "Teacher," who guides them through their challenges.
Throughout the series, the students navigate their personal and collective struggles, armed conflicts, and the complexities of growing up in a city where education and warfare intertwine.
Source: ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-