May 12 (News On Japan) - A new anime in the Code Geass series unfolds with new protagonists, Rose and Ash, two brothers whose tale of "reclamation" promises to pioneer a new era.
In the seventh year of the Heiwa era, in the former Hokkaido block of the United States of Japan, now occupied by the Neo Britannian Empire, there lived a pair of mercenary brothers known as "The Nameless Mercenaries." The elder brother Ash, with his exceptional athletic ability and superior Nightmare Frame piloting skills, and the younger brother Rose, who is highly intelligent and handles information gathering and strategic command.
For four years, their region, protected by an impregnable energy barrier known as the Situn Pevaria, has thwarted the liberation operations of the Black Knights. Emperor Calis Al Britannia of the 100th reign and his loyal knights, including Norland of Einberg, are poised once again to plunge the world into chaos. Tasked with a critical mission, Rose and Ash join forces with the Japanese resistance group, the Seven Luminous Star Cluster, to reclaim Emperor Sakuya and confront the Neo Britannian Empire.
Source: コードギアスチャンネル CODEGEASS Channel