May 16 (News On Japan) - 'Urusei Yatsura' is a beloved Japanese manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi. The story revolves around the misadventures of Ataru Moroboshi, a high school student known for his extraordinary bad luck and perverted behavior.
His life takes a dramatic turn when he is selected to compete in a game of tag against Lum, an alien princess from the Oni race, who has come to Earth with her race to conquer the planet.
Despite his initial reluctance, Ataru manages to win the game by accident, but Lum misunderstands his victory declaration as a marriage proposal. She falls in love with him and decides to stay on Earth, constantly referring to him as her husband. This leads to a series of chaotic and comedic situations, as Lum's presence attracts other extraterrestrial beings and supernatural entities to their town.
The series is known for its unique blend of slapstick comedy, romantic entanglements, and science fiction elements. With a colorful cast of characters, including Ataru's long-suffering girlfriend Shinobu, the lecherous monk Cherry, and Lum's storm-bringing cousin Ten, "Urusei Yatsura" offers a whimsical and entertaining look at the trials and tribulations of love and intergalactic misunderstandings.
Source: 【フジテレビ】アニメ公式チャンネル