May 28 (News On Japan) - The manga 'Blue Period' by Tsubasa Yamaguchi, which has surpassed 7 million copies in circulation, has been adapted into a live-action film. The story follows high school student Yatora, who has lived by reading the atmosphere and going with the flow. However, after encountering a single painting, he decides to dedicate himself entirely to the world of art.
Yatora enrolls in an art prep school to hone his skills, where he meets a diverse group of fellow aspiring artists, each with their own unique struggles and aspirations.
As Yatora delves deeper into the world of art, he discovers the intense dedication and emotional depth required to create meaningful work.
Directed by Kentaro Hagiwara, the film stars Gordon Maeda. The cast also includes Fumiya Takahashi, Rihito Itagaki, and Hiyori Sakurada.
Source: シネマトゥデイ