Sep 23 (Netflix Anime) - The second season of the anime series "My Happy Marriage", based on the hit light novel series that has sold over 9 million copies, will release in January 2025. Along with an introduction of Season 2, teaser art and a trailer offering a sneak peek of the new season has been released.
Continuing from the first season, the story follows Miyo Saimori, a young woman born into a noble family but mistreated by her stepmother and stepsister. She is arranged to marry Kiyoka Kudo, a powerful but cold military commander. Despite her fears, Miyo finds warmth and understanding in Kiyoka, leading them both toward healing and love. Season 2 will further explore their growing relationship and the challenges they face, including new characters such as Tadakiyo Kudo and Fuyu Kudo, adding more depth to the narrative.