Dec 05 (News On Japan) - Set against the backdrop of the Boshin War during Japan's Meiji Restoration, 11 Rebels (Jūichi-nin no Zokugun) delves into the untold story of a defiant group from the Shibata Domain. As the country faces upheaval and transformation, these individuals rise to challenge oppressive forces, driven by a fierce sense of loyalty and justice.
Led by Takayuki Yamada's enigmatic protagonist and supported by an ensemble cast, including Ukon Onoe and Riho Sayashi, the film explores themes of camaraderie, sacrifice, and the cost of resistance. With stunning visuals and intense performances, director Kazuya Shiraishi brings this historical drama to life, capturing the era's turbulence and the rebels' unwavering resolve.
Source: 東映映画チャンネル