Mar 06 (News On Japan) - A tense phone call reaches the JR East Shinkansen Command Center. The message is clear: a bomb has been planted on the Tokyo-bound Hayabusa No. 60. If the train’s speed drops below 100 km/h, it will explode immediately...
The perpetrator demands a ransom of 1 trillion yen in exchange for deactivating the device. With time running out, railway workers engage in a desperate battle to prevent disaster. Will the speeding Hayabusa No. 60 overcome this crisis?
Director Shinji Higuchi, known for blending spectacular visuals with human drama in works such as 'Shin Godzilla,' is a longtime fan of the original story. This time, he takes on a bold reboot, reimagining the film for modern society with significant updates. Leading the cast is Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, who previously collaborated with Higuchi in 'Japan Sinks.' He delivers a gripping performance as Takaichi, a conductor fighting to prevent an explosion onboard Hayabusa No. 60.
With special cooperation from JR East, filming took place using actual Shinkansen trains and facilities, resulting in strikingly realistic visuals. Combined with cutting-edge VFX, the film delivers an intense spectacle. A nonstop suspense thriller packed with breathless tension, 'Shinkansen Explosion' is set to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Source: 関西おさんぽ けん