TOKYO, Mar 17 (News On Japan) - Six teenagers have been caught for repeated reckless motorbike riding in Tokyo’s Hino and Hachioji, ignoring traffic signals and weaving through the streets.
Authorities confirmed that the group ran red lights and performed stunts, with some seen raising a leg while riding as they sped through the city.
In 2024, three boys, aged 15 and 16 at the time, were arrested, while three others—aged 14 to 16—were referred to prosecutors for reckless driving over a 6-kilometer stretch in the two cities.
According to police, the teens, who were acquaintances from the same area, admitted to their actions, saying, 'We had already decided to flee if the police chased us.' One also admitted, 'I kicked my foot up to block the police car’s path.'
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Source: FNN