Jun 25 (News On Japan) - The first-ever Ekiden relay race in the UK was held on June 24. The "UK Ekiden" saw participation from 18 teams, including mixed teams of Japanese and British runners, who collectively ran a 72-mile (approximately 115 kilometers) course divided into 10 segments, passing the tasuki (sash) to each other.
Among those present at the starting point were the British Ambassador to Japan, Longbottom, and former British marathon runner Mara Yamauchi, whose coach is her Japanese husband. The event organizers expressed their hope that the race, coinciding with the visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan to the UK, would strengthen the bonds between Japan and the UK.
Organizer Anna stated, "Based on the Hakone Ekiden, we launched the first Ekiden race in the UK."
"To the Emperor and Empress, the UK Ekiden participants send a message of 'Welcome to the UK.'"
"I believe the ties between Japan and the UK will grow stronger."
The organizers plan to continue promoting Ekiden in the UK through future events.
Source: 日テレNEWS