News On Japan

Japan's Warm Weather Brings Early Spring

TOKYO, Feb 14 (News On Japan) - Japan experienced widespread warmth on Tuesday, February 13, with temperatures in Tokyo's city center resembling those of early April, raising questions: Has spring already arrived?

April-like Warmth Across Various Regions Raises Early Spring Speculations

Caster Ogasawara shared temperatures across Japan on February 13:
- Shiraoi, Hokkaido: 11.2°C
- Toyama: 17.8°C
- Tokyo: 17.3°C
- Osaka: 15.8°C
- Miyazaki: 20.6°C

These temperatures are akin to mid to late April. With such a significant increase in temperature, take care of "pollen" and "snowmelt."

Meteorologist Hirose Shun explains, "Although 'snowmelt' sounds gentle, it can lead to disasters in the north, equivalent to about 100mm of heavy rain when 20cm of snow melts, posing risks of river flooding and landslides."

Forecast: Warmer Days Ahead, with Attention to Snowmelt

Despite the cozy weather, the temperatures are expected to rise further on February 14 and 15. Tokyo's forecasted highs are 18°C and 19°C, respectively, with a cooler 12°C anticipated on February 17.

Caster Horan Chiaki inquired about the potential heavy snowmelt due to the rapid warming, highlighting the dangers of large-scale avalanches and snow falling from roofs, which could lead to fatal accidents.

Early Blooms and Harvests / Adjust to the Warm Weather

The "Setagaya Ume Matsuri" near Umegaoka Station in Setagaya, Tokyo, showcasing 650 plum trees, began on February 10. As of February 7, 2024, 524 plums had already blossomed, with the peak bloom occurring sooner than usual.

In Niigata's Aga town, the warm weather prompted an early harvest of "Yukishita carrots," known for their sweetness after wintering under snow. Despite being smaller due to the lack of snow, their concentrated sweetness makes them ideal for fresh consumption.

As Japan navigates this unseasonably warm weather, concerns grow among farmers about adapting to the changing climate and the potential impacts on agriculture and traditional events.

Source: TBS

News On Japan

The impact of rising prices is being felt at summer festivals, with essential items like ice shavings and goldfish scooping seeing significant price increases.

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare have announced the average life expectancy for Japanese people last year, with women having an average life expectancy of 87.14 years, and men 81.09 years, both about half a month higher than the previous year.

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As power harassment allegations against the governor of Hyogo Prefecture continue to swirl, it has been revealed that another prefectural employee has passed away, with the prefecture delaying a formal announcement of the death by 3 months.

Osaka has topped the 'Japan Urban Power Rankings' for the fourth consecutive year. Conducted by Mori Building's think tank, the ranking evaluates 136 cities across Japan in six categories, including economy, culture, and environment.



Japan's northern Akita Prefecture experienced a torrential deluge Friday, causing major flooding and the collapse of a bridge in Kamikoani Village.

In Japan, foreign tourists are flocking to unexpected locations, with some spots reporting that 90% of their visitors are from overseas. A closer look reveals why these places, often unnoticed by locals, are drawing such attention.

Nara Prefecture Police are urging tourists to refrain from mistreating deer at Nara Park, following an increase in troubling incidents. The deer at Nara Park are designated as national natural treasures, and recent months have seen a surge in abusive behavior towards them, coinciding with a rise in visitor numbers.

At Kyoto's Gion Festival, the procession of floats (Yamaboko Junko) took place on Wednesday, dazzling spectators with their vibrant floats despite the intense heat.

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The Dogo Onsen main building, which has been undergoing restoration and repair work, has fully reopened for the first time in five and a half years.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a warning for potential heatstroke, predicting higher than average temperatures nationwide from next month through October.

As the summer season heats up, the chants of the traditional 'Gyaru Mikoshi' parade ahead of the Tenjin Festival, one of Japan's three major festivals, echoed through the shopping streets of Osaka on Tuesday.