News On Japan

New Tokyo Neighborhood Opens at Former Olympic Village

TOKYO, May 27 (News On Japan) - The former site of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Athletes' Village, now named 'Harumi Flag,' has officially opened.

While residents began moving in starting in January, the completion of commercial facilities and transportation infrastructure has led to the celebration of this new community. Currently, more condominiums are under construction, and the area is expected to eventually house over 10,000 residents.

Source: テレ東BIZ

News On Japan

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A police officer in his 50s was attacked by a woman with scissors at Shinjuku Station on Thursday, leaving him unconscious with blood streaming from his head.

A high school girl riding a bicycle died after colliding with a light wagon in Wakayama City causing her to fall into a nearby irrigation canal.

Authorities in Japan have warned people not to go up Mount Fuji before it's safe to do so. They've seen four climbers die at a time when the trails are still closed to hikers. (NHK)

A protest against tuition hikes at the University of Tokyo on June 21, led to police intervention, sparking criticism from students who accused the university of disregarding their autonomy.


MORE Business NEWS

A shortage of aviation fuel is causing disruptions primarily at regional airports, impacting international flight increases and new routes. This issue has now extended to Narita Airport, where nearly 60 flights per week are affected.

At the end of March this year, Japan's personal financial assets reached a record high of 2,199 trillion yen, marking a 7.1% increase from the previous year. This growth was primarily driven by a rise in stock prices and the introduction of the new NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account) system, achieving a record high for the fifth consecutive quarter.

Japanese electronics maker Sharp is shaking up the company's management a day before its shareholders' meeting. The firm is planning to pivot its focus to home appliances and will appoint its first Japanese leader in about two years. (NHK)

The Japanese yen sharply declined Wednesday in the foreign exchange market, reaching the late 160s against the dollar, according to major banks. This marks the weakest level for the yen in 37 and a half years since December 1986, the start of Japan's bubble economy.

China's largest electric vehicle manufacturer, BYD, is set to introduce its first sedan-type EV to the Japanese market.

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on June 24 for a new green plaza in Kobe's bay area, where redevelopment efforts are underway, including the construction of a multipurpose arena.

Honda's Super Cub, known as the world's best-selling motorbike with over 100 million units produced, will soon see the end of an era. Honda has announced its decision to stop the production of motorbikes with engine capacities of 50cc or less, including the iconic Super Cub.

As the streets of Asakusa bustle with rickshaws, some pullers are earning as much as 1.27 million yen a month. However, this seemingly lucrative career has a challenging side.