News On Japan
Crypto / AI | 4

Cryptocurrency has rapidly evolved from a niche technology into a global financial phenomenon.

Fresh Casinoは、ユーザーのゲーム体験を向上させるために調整された様々なボーナスを提供しています。

As the latter half of summer approaches, it's crucial to be mindful of dangerous marine creatures while enjoying beach activities. A clear, transparent object washed ashore could be lethal if touched, making vigilance essential.

Google has announced the launch of a new AI-powered feature in six countries, including Japan and the United Kingdom.

In recent years, the online gaming industry in Japan has experienced a significant boom, drawing millions of players into the digital world.

In 1945, 79 years ago, the American military’s air raids on Japan's mainland intensified. Last year, footage of these air raids was discovered in Gunma Prefecture. The film captured what could be described as “the real scenes of air raids as seen by the Japanese people at the time.”


計算機の地味な始まりから今日の洗練されたニューラル ネットワークに至るまで、人工知能は流星のような発展を遂げてきました。かつては SF の世界に限定されていたものは、今では私たちの日常生活の不可欠な部分になっています。