News On Japan

The Unspoken Rules of Adult Conduct: When Apologies Aren't Enough

TOKYO, Feb 26 (News On Japan) - Continuing from the previous installment, I am Karina, a 33-year-old mother living with my husband Ryuuki, who is 30, and our two children, Rikuto, 5, and Noa, 2. During a family gathering at the beginning of the year, Ryuuki's cousin Ran was being asked by relatives, including my husband, about when she was planning to get married.


I was taking care of the children and overheard the conversation. From that day on, Ran's attitude, who had always been kind, changed dramatically. Until then, Ran's mother, who loved children, had been taking care of our kids several times a month. Now, she said she could no longer do so. Officially, the reason given was her mother's poor health, but recalling Ran's irritated demeanor at the New Year's gathering and the way she ignored us when we left, I suspected the real reason was that conversation.

After being ignored during the final greetings at the New Year's event, I thought Ran was upset about the comments regarding grandchildren and marriage, so I brought it up with Ryuuki as soon as he got home. He seemed to think he was just making casual conversation. While admitting that topics like marriage can be sensitive and that we might have been at fault, we also felt that Ran didn't need to be so angry. Even if she had an unpleasant experience, as adults, we thought it was normal to at least exchange basic greetings and conversations as part of family relations, right?

Although Ryuuki and I both thought he hadn't said anything wrong, the fact that we could no longer rely on her to watch our children meant we had to apologize. The next day happened to be Ryuuki's day off, so we quickly bought Ran's mother's favorite sweets and visited Ran's house. Ran's mother greeted us with her usual kind smile as if nothing had changed. She had heard from Ran about refusing to take care of our children and apologized for it.

Ran still seemed angry, avoiding eye contact with us and responding only with "yes" to our mature attempt at an apology. While my husband might have brought up a rude topic, I wondered about Ran's behavior as an adult and as a relative. We had apologized considering future family relations, yet Ran's seemingly childish attitude only increased our feelings of distrust.

To be continued in the next installment.

Source: MDPR

News On Japan

Japan's northern Akita Prefecture experienced a torrential deluge Friday, causing major flooding and the collapse of a bridge in Kamikoani Village.

Theft of air conditioner outdoor units has surged as Japan's heatwave continues, leaving some businesses unable to run critical cooling systems.

As power harassment allegations against the governor of Hyogo Prefecture continue to swirl, it has been revealed that another prefectural employee has passed away, with the prefecture delaying a formal announcement of the death by 3 months.

Osaka has topped the 'Japan Urban Power Rankings' for the fourth consecutive year. Conducted by Mori Building's think tank, the ranking evaluates 136 cities across Japan in six categories, including economy, culture, and environment.

Japan's total population stood at 124.88 million as of January 1 this year, a decrease of over 530,000 from the previous year, further accelerating the trend of a declining birthrate and aging population.



A manager of a men's concept cafe in Tokyo's Akihabara district has been arrested on suspicion of violating the Employment Security Act by introducing female customers to illegal men's massage parlors to pay off high bills.

A Japanese man has been detained at a Thai airport for attempting to smuggle over 200 more scorpions, spiders, and other insects than he declared.

Osaka has topped the 'Japan Urban Power Rankings' for the fourth consecutive year. Conducted by Mori Building's think tank, the ranking evaluates 136 cities across Japan in six categories, including economy, culture, and environment.

Osaka's Minami district, a prominent entertainment area in western Japan, is experiencing a significant shift in its host club industry. Every night, patrons and hosts engage in strategic interactions, but recently, a noticeable change has emerged: an influx of host clubs from Tokyo's Kabukicho district.

Japan's total population stood at 124.88 million as of January 1 this year, a decrease of over 530,000 from the previous year, further accelerating the trend of a declining birthrate and aging population.

The number of raccoons captured in Tokyo is on the rise. These animals, increasingly making homes in residential areas, have even been found raising their young in attics.

The last three 'UFO-style' traffic lights in Japan, which appear to hover like UFOs, will be removed by the end of this month due to aging.

In an effort to curb street solicitation, commonly known as "tachinbo," in Osaka's Umeda district, police and local authorities have decided to install new street lights and implement other measures. This decision aims to address the issue of illegal prostitution activities that have led to over 20 arrests in the past year.