News On Japan

Discovering the Charm of Kanshinji Temple

OSAKA, May 22 (News On Japan) - The renowned Kanshinji Temple in Kawachinagano, Osaka, is the only temple in the city where both the main hall and the principal image are designated National Treasures. Besides its deep connection to Kusunoki Masashige and the Southern Court, it is also a treasure trove of Heian period Buddhist statues. We thoroughly investigate the charm of Kanshinji Temple.

The temple's main hall and the principal image are designated National Treasures, the only ones of their kind in Osaka. The temple also has strong ties to Kusunoki Masashige and the Southern Court, and is a treasure trove of Heian period Buddhist artifacts. We conducted a thorough investigation into the allure of Kanshinji Temple.

Opened in 701 by En no Gyōja, Kanshinji Temple was later rebuilt by Kōbō Daishi Kukai as a training hall for the Shingon sect, and has a history spanning over 300 years. In 2019, it was recognized as a Japan Heritage Site alongside other historical sites like Amanosan Kongōji Temple, which was also covered by our investigation team.

Kanshinji's expansive grounds are home to Osaka's oldest National Treasure building, the Kondō, as well as numerous other cultural assets. The temple also has a deep connection to a certain warrior from the late Kamakura to the Nanbokuchō period. The warrior is Kusunoki Masashige, whose headquarters were located in this area. As a child, he studied Buddhism and academics at Kanshinji Temple from the age of 8 to 15.

Additionally, Kusunoki's severed head was brought back to Kanshinji by Kawachi Takauji, who believed that such a remarkable warrior deserved to rest in a place of honor. The temple's grounds include the Kusunoki Memorial Hall, which enshrines his spirit.

Before exploring the temple grounds, our investigation team first headed to the parking lot, where a statue of a person closely associated with the temple stood. This was Kusunoki Masashige, a notable warrior who supported the Southern Court during the Nanbokuchō period.

The Kondō is a robust structure built in the early Muromachi period and is the oldest wooden building in Osaka. It was constructed under the guidance of Kusunoki Masashige and houses the temple's principal image, the National Treasure Nyoirin Kannon.

The Nyoirin Kannon, a Heian period statue, is said to have been carved by Kōbō Daishi Kukai. This statue is only displayed to the public for two days each year, on April 17 and 18.

In addition to the main hall, Kanshinji Temple is known for the Taikyakuden, a building deeply connected to Kusunoki Masashige. It was constructed to pray for the success of the Southern Court and has remained in an incomplete state ever since his death.

The temple grounds are also home to various other significant historical structures and artifacts, making it a valuable cultural site in Osaka.

Kanshinji Temple, with its 1,300-year history, offers a peaceful respite with its scenic beauty and historical significance. Visitors can experience the charm of this temple, which is filled with cultural treasures and historical stories. Thank you for reading, and please subscribe to our channel for more information on Kansai.


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