News On Japan

How to gain the best link building experience

Jul 09 ( - When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), link-building remains as one of the most powerful tools every brand should capitalize on. However, gaining the best link-building experience is no overnight success. Tactics that deliver long-term results are always contingent on having a well-crafted, step-by-step plan that is both concrete and measurable.

Let's find out how you can achieve the best link-building experience possible for your business with these key pointers below:

Link For The Right Purpose

Google remains steadfast in its mission to proliferate information that is useful and trustworthy to all its users. Any attempt to improve search engine rankings through spammy, low-quality content is considered a major violation of the company's content quality guidelines. Such a violation is taken very seriously by the internet giant. Tracing a clear, present, and malicious endeavor to deceive searchers are penalized accordingly.

As a business, therefore, lessen your risk of being tagged as part of a link scheme by linking for the right purpose. Yes, starting off your link-building journey with integrity pays off. Jumpstart by creating genuine, useful content that adds value to a user's web experience.

Gaining high-quality backlinks should become a natural by-product of high-quality content, and not as a result of the following link schemes:

Backlinks should be earned and not bought. Deliberately buying or selling of links that pass PageRank Google's search algorithm responsible for ranking web pages in order of importance in SERP should be avoided.

Participating in a link farm or a "clique" that exists merely to exploit link exchanges between website members to optimize search engine rankings.

Obtaining backlinks from spammy sites. Take note that a good a non-spammy site is not only determined by its Domain Authority (DA) and Spam score. No matter how passable their DA and Spam scores are, if the website content is obviously rubbish, then it's best not to obtain links from these kinds of websites.

For example, in a featured travel blog, "5 Guided Tours Where You Can Experience Tokyo Like A Local", the writer rounded up different unique Japan tours that will help travelers uncover some of Tokyo's secret hideouts. In every tour cited, a corresponding link to a specific travel agency is indicated that readers can easily visit. It also specifies estimated fees per person and the tour dates available.

By linking to legitimate travel sites for the purpose of providing readers a useful how-to guide, the website can have higher chances of obtaining quality backlinks from these featured travel agencies. At the same time, their article has better chances of gaining editorial votes from their target audience. Ultimately, a well-written and relevant how-to guide like this can expect better rankings from Google.

Build An SEO-Friendly Site Architecture With Internal Links

Google's complex and ever-evolving search algorithms are built mainly with web crawlers that organize information from different websites into search indices. As a webmaster, your goal is to make it easier for these search bots to crawl through your website, read its content, and save it in a database or index. To do this, you need to have a crawlable site architecture with the use of internal links. Here are essential pointers you need to keep in mind:

  • Spread link equity through your website by having enough internal links between related website pages. Imagine your website as a pyramid, wherein, the top-most part represents the homepage and as you move towards the bottom, you will see the different sections and subsections with their corresponding pages.
  • Add contextual links to help Google better understand and navigate your website. For example, if you've written multiple article pages that point to one main topic, it would be best to link these pages with each other. For example, a website's main topic talks about "Why Coffee is Good For You?". To signal Google that this main topic should rank, you must add a link to this article in all articles related to this topic. At the same time, you must link back from this main article to the related articles as well.
  • Ultimately, when embedding the related articles to your website's main topic, make sure not to over-optimize your anchor text. Meaning, do not overstuff your anchor text with a keyword. Again, your main priority is to add value-rich, natural content. Be creative enough to incorporate anchor texts that are relevant and non-spammy.

Here's a general illustration of how internal linking works:

Work With A Trusted Link-Building Service Provider

Another surefire way to achieve the best link-building experience is to partner with experts in SEO. With the advent of many run-of-the-mill digital marketing agencies today, it's crucial to pick a link-building partner that guarantees transparency and legitimacy such as NO BS Marketplace.

Here are some core services that a credible link-building service provider should offer:

Global Connections To Reputable Digital Publishers

Harnessing a rich network of globally acclaimed authority sites is a serious task. However, with the help of a seasoned link-building service experts, you can get a golden ticket to their direct ties and ensure better returns for any type of SEO campaign you have in mind for your brand. You can be more confident that with the right team at your disposal, you can connect with relevant influencers and publishers who can help propel you to reach more positive traffic.

Accurate Content Matching Of Link And Anchor Text

As discussed in the earlier part of this article, incorporating contextual links into your guest posts are key to helping Google better understand and navigate your website. With the expertise and dedication of a reliable link-building service provider, you can enjoy the luxury of choosing niche sites that match your brand's vision. This is made apparent through relevant content that matches your contextual links.

Transparency And Control Of Entire Process

Ultimately, as business owners, you would want full control and access to any of your marketing initiatives. Unfortunately, transparency and control over the entire process aren't possible with all link-building platforms. Thus, it is crucial to work hand in hand with an agency that offers a concrete and measurable link-building experience for your brand.

News On Japan

Ishiba Shigeru has been elected leader of Japan's main ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The former LDP Secretary-General is now virtually assured of becoming the next prime minister. (NHK)

The Hakamada case, a decades-long legal struggle, ended with an acquittal for Iwao Hakamada (88), who, along with his sister Hideko, fought for 58 years. Hakamada was suspected of the 1966 murder of a miso company executive’s family.

A Japanese government information-gathering satellite has successfully been put into a planned orbit around Earth. (NHK)

Japan's National Police Agency is introducing new patrol cars equipped with red lights designed to assist people with hearing impairments, flashing differently depending on whether the vehicle is on an emergency run or a routine patrol.

Yamagata University, which has been conducting research on the Nazca geoglyphs in Peru, announced the discovery of over 300 new geoglyphs, depicting a variety of subjects, including humans and animals.



Four Japanese men have been caught at an Australian airport on suspicion of trying to smuggle a large amount of cigarettes into the country. (NHK)

Japan's National Police Agency is introducing new patrol cars equipped with red lights designed to assist people with hearing impairments, flashing differently depending on whether the vehicle is on an emergency run or a routine patrol.

The former representative of the martial arts event company 'Breaking Down,' Yugo Itagaki, along with two other individuals, has been arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police on charges of defrauding a company executive out of 80 million yen.

Strange incidents involving a woman placing black tape on outlets have been occurring around zoos in the Izu area of Shizuoka Prefecture.

As the number of households with Buddhist altars continues to decline, largely due to space limitations in modern housing, wholesalers of Buddhist goods are struggling with unsold inventory.

Twelve individuals involved in the traditional 'Ageuma Shinji' horse event held last year at Tado Shrine in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture, have been referred to prosecutors on allegations of violent behavior toward horses, including forcing them up steep slopes.

A 39-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attacking a female university student by covering her head with a bag and attempting to strangle her.

A group of Humboldt penguins at Tokuyama Zoo in Yamaguchi Prefecture has captured people's hearts, as they chase a butterfly that had accidentally flown into their pool enclosure.