News On Japan

Why CBD is perfect for working professionals

Apr 10 ( - Working professionals come under plenty of stress on a daily basis. Whether you’re working in a high-pressure sales environment, in a competitive office setting, or you’re a mill worker putting in twelve-hour shifts, the need to relax is universal across all professions.

When your body and mind need to relax, CBD can offer a viable solution.

CBD is a natural compound that comes from the Cannabis plant, but don’t let the word “Cannabis” throw you off. We’re not talking about marijuana, and you won’t get high from taking CBD. Cannabis has another strain called hemp, which you may have heard of.

Hemp is used for many things, including biofuel, rope, and clothing fibers, but it’s also where CBD is extracted from. It’s legal, safe, and perfect for working professionals, and here’s why.

You Won’t Fail A Drug Test

One of the biggest concerns that new CBD users usually have is the fear of not being able to pass a drug test with CBD in their system. This fear comes from the fact that hemp is a strain of the Cannabis plant, whose cousin is marijuana. Notice we said its cousin; they’re not the same.

Hemp, by legal definition, must contain 0.3% or less THC, which is what causes the psychoactive effects that marijuana is known for.

What does this mean? Simply that broad-spectrum CBD oil won’t get you high, and won’t show up on a drug test as THC. The two compounds may be similar, but they’re not the same. Each interacts with neurological receptors differently.

So, go ahead and use your medical grade CBD oil. You don’t have to worry about failing a drug test and losing your job, and you’ll experience relaxation like never before.

Science Backs CBD’s Effectiveness

As with any new medical trend, there’s always the question of “but can you prove it?” Why yes, yes we can! There have been multiple studies conducted on the effectiveness of CBD at treating or managing several ailments. Among them are:

- Anxiety and anxiety-related disorders
- Epilepsy/seizures
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Chronic or localized pain
- Diabetes
- Heart disease/high blood pressure
- Depression
- Cancer and cancer-related symptoms

There’s even an FDA-approved drug available that’s derived from CBD. It’s used to treat certain rare epilepsy conditions. The bottom line? Science has plenty to say about CBD, and 99% of it is positive.

The 1% that isn’t positive usually boils down to a lack of knowledge. You have to understand that the research is trying to catch up to nearly five decades of criminalization and demonizing of Cannabis and hemp.

It was only recently made legal at the federal level, but researchers are working hard to learn the full effects of CBD in humans.

Everyone Needs To Relax

It doesn’t matter what you do for a living; at the end of a long day, you’re ready to kick back and relax. After an especially-stressful day, sometimes a drink or sitting in your favorite chair just isn’t enough. CBD can help clear your mind, relax your body, and relieve any soreness or pain you might be experiencing from a hard day’s work.

Did you know that stress actually plays an important role in heart health? When you’re stressed out, your body releases stress hormones such as cortisol, which cause the heart to pump more blood (and oxygen) to all of your major organs and extremities.

Essentially, stress causes the heart to work overtime, so constant stress can be quite damaging to even the healthiest hearts. Not to mention, excessive stress often causes the formation of unhealthy habits in order to cope, such as inactivity (staring at the TV), smoking, drinking, drug use, or overeating.

Smoking is linked to heart disease and increased blood pressure, as is drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and overeating. Overall, stress is the number one cause of heart disease, whether directly or indirectly.

The more you can reduce your stress, the healthier your heart and your mind will be. CBD is also a vasodilator, meaning it opens up blood vessels for improved blood flow and reduced blood pressure. The benefits just keep adding up!

It Can Make You More Focused

Sometimes, the cause of stress is the inability to focus from having too much on your plate. Working professionals are under constant stress with deadlines, quotas, and expectations. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, concentration and focus often fall by the wayside.

Brands like Penguin CBD can you help bring your focus back by calming the mind and helping relieve that pesky "brain fog". What could you accomplish with increased focus, reduced stress, and no brain fog? Your days would probably be twice as efficient!

There Are Almost No Side-Effects

With any substance we turn to for stress-relief, there are usually one or more side-effects that are less than desirable. If you turn to drugs and alcohol, you can become addicted, depressed, and lethargic (that’s worst-case, of course). If you turn to smoking, you could develop lung cancer or heart disease. With CBD, you could get...diarrhea.

That’s right, even the best CBD oil does have some side-effects, but they’re almost not even worth mentioning because they’re so minor. Diarrhea is one, and so is fatigue (from over-consumption), dry mouth, appetite changes, and even mood changes.

Let’s be honest, though; if you could trade dry mouth for increased concentration, lower stress, improved focus, and plenty of physical and mental health benefits, wouldn’t you? It certainly beats addiction or heart disease!

CBD is a natural compound that seems to work well with the human body. After all, we have specialized receptors designed to accept cannabinoids! With little to no side-effects, you really can’t ask for a better stress-reliever. When combined with a good diet and exercise, you can experience a wealth of benefits and abundant health for years to come.

The Bottom Line

Science backs up the claims that CBD offers several medical benefits, so it’s not just another health craze. The compound is safe, legal, readily available, and we’re only just tapping the surface of how beneficial it is to humans. It’s even used in pets to treat similar conditions! If you’re a busy professional, CBD might just be the perfect stress remedy for you.

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