News On Japan

New tax for tourists visiting Miyajima goes into effect

Oct 02 (NHK) - Visitors to the western Japan island of Miyajima, home to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Itsukushima Shrine, must pay a tax to the city of Hatsukaichi, starting Sunday.

A ferry ticket to the island in Hiroshima Prefecture now includes a tax of 100 yen or about 67 cents.

Miyajima residents and people who work or study there are not charged the tax.

City officials say the new fee will help them keep Miyajima a sustainable tourist destination.

They expect the fee to generate 104 million yen or about 700,000 dollars in tax revenues by the end of the current fiscal year next March.

The officials say the money will be spent on maintaining toilets and ferry terminals as well as moving power cables underground. ...continue reading

News On Japan

The impact of rising prices is being felt at summer festivals, with essential items like ice shavings and goldfish scooping seeing significant price increases.

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare have announced the average life expectancy for Japanese people last year, with women having an average life expectancy of 87.14 years, and men 81.09 years, both about half a month higher than the previous year.

Theft of air conditioner outdoor units has surged as Japan's heatwave continues, leaving some businesses unable to run critical cooling systems.

As power harassment allegations against the governor of Hyogo Prefecture continue to swirl, it has been revealed that another prefectural employee has passed away, with the prefecture delaying a formal announcement of the death by 3 months.

Osaka has topped the 'Japan Urban Power Rankings' for the fourth consecutive year. Conducted by Mori Building's think tank, the ranking evaluates 136 cities across Japan in six categories, including economy, culture, and environment.



Japan's northern Akita Prefecture experienced a torrential deluge Friday, causing major flooding and the collapse of a bridge in Kamikoani Village.

In Japan, foreign tourists are flocking to unexpected locations, with some spots reporting that 90% of their visitors are from overseas. A closer look reveals why these places, often unnoticed by locals, are drawing such attention.

Nara Prefecture Police are urging tourists to refrain from mistreating deer at Nara Park, following an increase in troubling incidents. The deer at Nara Park are designated as national natural treasures, and recent months have seen a surge in abusive behavior towards them, coinciding with a rise in visitor numbers.

At Kyoto's Gion Festival, the procession of floats (Yamaboko Junko) took place on Wednesday, dazzling spectators with their vibrant floats despite the intense heat.

Things to do & eat | 2-day itinerary. This week we're headed on a little summer trip to one of Japan's more beautiful traditional towns, Takayama! (Sol Life)

The Dogo Onsen main building, which has been undergoing restoration and repair work, has fully reopened for the first time in five and a half years.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a warning for potential heatstroke, predicting higher than average temperatures nationwide from next month through October.

As the summer season heats up, the chants of the traditional 'Gyaru Mikoshi' parade ahead of the Tenjin Festival, one of Japan's three major festivals, echoed through the shopping streets of Osaka on Tuesday.