TOKYO, Jan 17 (News On Japan) - Mitsuko Tottori, a former cabin attendant, will be promoted to the next president of Japan Airlines, becoming the first woman to hold the position of highest-ranking executive in the company.
Mitsuko Tottori, who will start the role of president of Japan Airlines on April 1, declared 'Safety and service are the two pillars of my career.'
Tottori (59) joined the company in 1985 and served as a cabin attendant for over 30 years.
Tottori stated, 'The foundation of an airline company lies in safe operation,' and praised the cabin attendants who responded to an incident at Haneda, saying, 'There was a sense of mission in all nine of them to ensure everyone evacuated without exception,' and expressed her pride in them."
Source: ANNnewsCH