TOKYO, Feb 03 (News On Japan) - The manga volume "Seito Shidou no Yuri Sensei" by Okano Kuko was released today, February 2nd. The story follows Yuri Takeo Sensei, a high school student guidance counselor known to her students as "Gori-sensei" due to her intimidating appearance. Despite her fearsome reputation, Yuri Sensei has her own network of information and subtly supports the romantic endeavors of her students, acting as a cupid behind the scenes.
Whether it's a delinquent student who smokes cigarettes to catch the attention of the student council president or childhood friends who promised to marry each other when they were in kindergarten, the manga depicts various "Yuri-couples" and the watchful eye of Yuri Sensei.
This volume also includes a special episode not published elsewhere.
In addition to this work, Okano Kuko has been featured in other articles for her manga series. These include a new series launched on October 24, 2023, which tells the story of a delinquent girl and her peppy childhood friend, and a manga approved by Epoch Company, released on July 13, 2023, featuring a cool gyaru and a gloomy high school girl connected through Sylvanian Families. On November 15, 2022, she released a volume titled "Oshi Kimono," an anthology of stories about people who want to wear their "likes" and "heartthrobs." Another work, "Ojousama no Kindan Yorimichi Gohan," released on June 14, 2022, features a cool heiress who discovers the joy of snacking after school.
Source: Natalie