Society | Feb 28

What Makes Women Irresistible to Men?

TOKYO, Feb 28 (News On Japan) - Many women hope to be pursued by men continuously. But what exactly do men look for in women they feel compelled to chase? Let's explore the traits that make men want to pursue women.


Today, we'll introduce the characteristics of women that men find irresistible.

- "I just love everything about her." Traits of women that make men want to see them, even when they're busy. - The moment a man truly feels "I like her," these are the three actions he shows. - More than "beautiful," it's about being an "atmosphere beauty"! What are the traits? - Uncompromising on certain things

Women who have strong preferences and won't compromise on certain things stimulate the chasing instinct in men. For example, always choosing the same drink or living in a specific neighborhood. Showing such strong preferences and not being swayed by others can become an attractive quality to men. Women who hold firm to their own opinions are likely to become the object of men's desire to pursue.

- Not revealing everything

A common trait among women that men want to chase is not revealing everything about themselves. For instance, when asked "Why did you break up with your ex?" if you tell everything, there might be moments when it's unclear how it will be interpreted. In such cases, respond with a cute smile and say, "Oh, what was it again?" This level of depth will pique a man's interest, and he'll want to keep chasing you.

- Making eye contact and communicating

Women who have a strong core and are solid in their being are often the ones men want to chase. One prominent trait of such women is making direct eye contact during conversations. When talking to a man you're interested in, you might avoid looking at him due to nervousness or embarrassment. However, try not to run away and maintain eye contact while speaking to him.

- Having a personal worldview

To sum up the traits mentioned so far, it's about "women who have their own worldview." Having this will make men more interested in you than just as a regular friend, and they'll want to pursue you. If you want to be chased by men, why not start by valuing yourself?

Source: MDPR


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