News On Japan

SoftBank to Offer Latest AI Search Tool Free to Mobile Users

TOKYO, Jun 18 (News On Japan) - In a move to make generative AI more accessible, major mobile carrier SoftBank has announced the free provision of its latest AI-powered search tool to mobile users.

SoftBank has partnered with an American startup specializing in AI search engines to offer the premium version of the AI search tool for one year at no cost to users of its three brands: SoftBank, Y!Mobile, and LINEMO.

The initiative aims to provide an entry point for users to experience the benefits of AI, encouraging broader adoption of the technology.

During the free trial period, users will have the flexibility to choose from multiple AI models developed by leading global AI firms such as OpenAI and Google. They will also be able to utilize advanced generative AI technologies, including sophisticated image generation and video search capabilities.

Currently, SoftBank is focusing on developing a large-scale language model tailored specifically for Japanese. The company is also preparing to replace its customer service operations with generative AI. Through this initiative, SoftBank hopes to raise awareness and further promote the widespread use of generative AI.

Source: ANN

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In a move to make generative AI more accessible, major mobile carrier SoftBank has announced the free provision of its latest AI-powered search tool to mobile users.

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