News On Japan

CBD cream and its many benefits

Sep 08 ( - Throughout our world’s history we have gone through trendy phases; whether it be clothes, hairstyles, etc.

Usually after a period of time it seems to phase out and change as time goes on but that’s not the case with CBD. Over the past few years, we have learned about the health benefits that are attached to CBD oil creams and lotions.

So, let’s take a look at what CBD is and what the potential benefits are from it. There’s growing potential for CBD to help relieveconditions such as anxiety, pain and inflammation. While we seem to have a solid gauge on the CBD effects from ingestion and inhalation, we don’t quite have the answer when it comes to CBD Creams.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol or simply known as CBD is a type of compound that is used for making marijuana; it can be found in hemp plants as well as in cannabis. The CBD itself can be transmitted in many different ways not just through marijuana. It can be mixed in with oils and cream to help alleviate mental stress and or physical pain.

The CBD gets extracted from the hemp plant when it is designed to be made for oils and creams and about 40% of it gets extracted. CBD has very low THC (tetrahydrocannibol) content that you would normally see in cannabis. This is caused by the extraction to comply with the federal legislation to keep it legal since cannabis itself is not fully legal in all 50 states at the present moment.

How does it work?

Now that you’ve been given a little detail as to what exactly CBD is your next question is likely to be, well how does it work? Each human body has an endocannabinoid system in which it produces various cannabinoids and within it there are two receptors for allowing the cannabinoids to enter the body; these are known as the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

In CB1, you can find these receptors throughout your body but will be mostly located within your brain to help stabilize mental health. This is especially important because the brain receptors are responsible for your pain,coordination and movement,mood and emotions, memories and appetite. If any one of these receptors aren’t working then your mental health can deteriorate rapidly and your quality of life will decline. These receptors will take in the THC when ingesting or smoking the cannabis.

The other set known as CB2 receptors are mainly responsible for dealing with pain and inflammatory discomfort and can be found within your immune system. The intake of CBD will allow your body to produce a larger number of cannabinoids on its own, essentially giving the body a little jump start. This is especially good when you have a lack of energy and need a little boost throughout the day. Look at it as a mini Red Bull, an energy boost used as a pick me up.

What can I use?

So, we have learned about what CBD is and how it actually works, let’s dive into the types of CBD starting with CBD Creams. The cream is one of the most preferred forms of CBD you are going to find on the market. CBD Creams for your skin are made by injecting the cannabis and mixing it with extremely good quality coconut or olive oil. Coconut oil is a great tool to have smooth skin and mixing it with the CBD is a great way to alleviate any pains you’re dealing with. The use of the oil is designed to remove the active compound of CBD before it is mixed with therapeutic herbs to create an cream for pain relief.

Although it seems all well and good, make sure you do your research before purchasing due to the fact that people can be misled by false advertising. What’s happening is companies are using more CBD than what’s federally regulated but are only specifying that they only put enough to comply. Always take a look at the ingredients to make sure it's a certified and reliable product.

How does the cream work?

The CBD creams are designed to work in a multitude of ways which include but are not limited to reducing inflammation, decreasing pain and increasing the numerical value of endocannabinoids in the body. Since CBD can be a source of relief as an anti-inflammatory it can certainly be used to minimize swelling and pain in a joint or muscle.

The next theory of the cream function is kickstarting the endocannabinoids, similar to what was said about the CB2 receptors. While the CBD cream kick starts the endocannabinoids it soothes any pain and reduces any swelling.

Is this all scientifically proven?

It has seemed like CBD creams have been regarded as a safe way to reduce swelling and alleviate pain but there seems to be a lack of data to back it all up. According to the National Academies of Science, Medicine and Engineering a study concludes that when treated with cannabinoids, adults typically tend to see a reduction in pain symptoms and by a significant margin. It really just seems to me that we are still in a learning phase and we are conducting more studies as to whether or not this is a safe approach and safe product to use. As of now it seems that all systems are good until determined otherwise.

One major roadblock with a topical view is the ability to continuously manufacture a cream that provides a sufficient amount to produce a major effect without making its way into the bloodstream.

This just means more testing needs to be done to determine how much CBD the bloodstream would handle if it entered its pathway. Testing is partially flawed because most tests are performed on animals and not humans so we don’t really have a way where we can get a physical response to the testing itself.

It seems like we have come a long way in the CBD era but it seems that there is still a ways to go. The more information, the more data we can collect can only help us in the future.

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