News On Japan

Japanese Inventions and Technology - Invention You Won't Believe

Nov 14 (Mini Mind) - Panda tea or panda dung tea is a type of tea cultivated in the mountains of Ya'an, Sichuan, Japan and fertilized by the dung of pandas.

When it officially went on the market in April 2012, it was reputedly the world's most expensive tea and 50 grams sold for $3,500, or about $200 a cup.

Automated restaurant

An automated restaurant or robotic restaurant is a restaurant that uses robots to do tasks such as delivering food and drink to the tables and/or cooking the food.

Vending machine dress

The wearer hides behind the sheet, printed with an actual-size photo of a vending machine. Ms. Tsukioka’s clothing is still in development, but she already has several versions, including one that unfolds from a kimono and a deluxe model with four sides for more complete camouflaging.

Chopstick fan

Any noodle lover will immediately see the benefit of this weird looking, yet ingenious invention. By adding a small fan to your chopsticks you need not wait for your noodles to cool down on their own.

Simply dig in, turn on and chow down on those delicious noodles without wasting your valuable time waiting. Now all you have to do is think of a way of spending those extra few minutes a day productively.

The Japanese truly are the masters of invention.

Bbay mop suit

Little-known fact that every member of the family is expected to pull their weight in Japan. Being a toddler is no excuse for slacking off, hence the need for this ingenious invention.

Whilst it looks very strange, this parent labor saving device keeps their floors spick and span. Those little monsters are crawling around the floor anyway so why not have them help you out with some household chores?

Seems a fair trade after all you have to spend a small fortune feeding and cleaning them. Good work Japan!

News On Japan

The Hakamada case, a decades-long legal struggle, ended with an acquittal for Iwao Hakamada (88), who, along with his sister Hideko, fought for 58 years. Hakamada was suspected of the 1966 murder of a miso company executive’s family.

A Japanese government information-gathering satellite has successfully been put into a planned orbit around Earth. (NHK)

Japan's National Police Agency is introducing new patrol cars equipped with red lights designed to assist people with hearing impairments, flashing differently depending on whether the vehicle is on an emergency run or a routine patrol.

Yamagata University, which has been conducting research on the Nazca geoglyphs in Peru, announced the discovery of over 300 new geoglyphs, depicting a variety of subjects, including humans and animals.

The University of Tokyo has officially decided to increase tuition by approximately 110,000 yen for incoming undergraduate students starting next academic year, bringing the total to 642,960 yen.



Four Japanese men have been caught at an Australian airport on suspicion of trying to smuggle a large amount of cigarettes into the country. (NHK)

The former representative of the martial arts event company 'Breaking Down,' Yugo Itagaki, along with two other individuals, has been arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police on charges of defrauding a company executive out of 80 million yen.

Strange incidents involving a woman placing black tape on outlets have been occurring around zoos in the Izu area of Shizuoka Prefecture.

As the number of households with Buddhist altars continues to decline, largely due to space limitations in modern housing, wholesalers of Buddhist goods are struggling with unsold inventory.

Twelve individuals involved in the traditional 'Ageuma Shinji' horse event held last year at Tado Shrine in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture, have been referred to prosecutors on allegations of violent behavior toward horses, including forcing them up steep slopes.

A 39-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attacking a female university student by covering her head with a bag and attempting to strangle her.

A group of Humboldt penguins at Tokuyama Zoo in Yamaguchi Prefecture has captured people's hearts, as they chase a butterfly that had accidentally flown into their pool enclosure.

A man in his 30s was stabbed in the chest at an anime song event in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture on Sunday, leaving the victim serious injured.