News On Japan

初心者におすすめのビデオ スロットをご紹介

Dec 23 ( - カジノゲームをしようと思ってサイトにアクセスしたものの、どのゲームが面白いのかわからない、なんていう経験はありませんか?

ここではオンラインカジノで人気のビデオ スロットをご紹介!ご利用の際の参考にしてみてください!

ゴールデンチケット2(Golden Ticket 2)

「ゴールデンチケット2」はちょっぴり怪しい摩訶不思議な空間が楽しめるサーカスをテーマとしたビデオ スロット。Play'n Goのオリジナルゲーム「Golden Ticket」のパワーアップ版となります。リングマスター、ナイフ投げ、ピエロという3人のパフォーマーが高配当のキャラクターシンボルとして登場。ワイルドは金色のサーカステントです。


スイートボナンザ(Sweet Bonanza)

スイートボナンザは鮮やかな色彩に溢れるPragmatic Play社がリリースしたビデオ スロット。キャンディーやフルーツのシンボルが、リールではなく6x5のグリッドに転がり込むという見た目にも楽しい機種です。シンボルにはリンゴ、バナナ、ブドウ、プラム、スイカの低価値シンボル、青、緑、紫、赤のキャンディーのプレミアムシンボルが登場、特に赤いハート型のキャンディーは配当最大50倍。グリッド全体で少なくとも8つのシンボルをマッチさせると当たりとなります。

人気のタンブリング機能、最高100倍まで賞金を増やすキャンディーボム、そして賭け金の100倍で購入できるフリースピン機能などが盛りだくさんで、最大配当が21,100倍というのも魅力的。ボラティリティは中程度、RTPは96.51%のとっても楽しいビデオ スロット、是非お試しください!


ビデオ スロットはスキルなしで稼ぐことができるゲームなので、初心者でも気軽に試せます。今回ご紹介した機種にはいずれもデモ版があるので無料でプレイができます。リアルマネーを賭ける前にお試しプレイしてみてくださいね。

News On Japan

Flooding has reached the temporary housing in Wajima City, built for earthquake victims, and volunteers have begun clearing the mud starting on September 24.

A Japanese government spokesperson says a Russian military airplane entered Japanese airspace three times on Monday. (NHK)

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has conveyed his country's intention to maintain support for Ukraine to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. (NHK)

Seven people are dead in the wake of torrential downpours in Japan's central Ishikawa Prefecture that have caused rivers to flood and mudslides across the Noto region. Some people living in temporary shelters following the New Year's Day earthquake are once again facing recovery efforts, this time from flooding. (NHK)

Signs of winter are already arriving. Mount Rishiri in Hokkaido recorded the first snowfall of the season on Sunday, making it the first observed in Japan this year.



A 39-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attacking a female university student by covering her head with a bag and attempting to strangle her.

A group of Humboldt penguins at Tokuyama Zoo in Yamaguchi Prefecture has captured people's hearts, as they chase a butterfly that had accidentally flown into their pool enclosure.

A man in his 30s was stabbed in the chest at an anime song event in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture on Sunday, leaving the victim serious injured.

Tokyo has launched an official matchmaking app in an effort to increase the number of marriages, particularly as the city struggles with the lowest birthrate in Japan.

A search for 'breast pump' 「搾乳機」on YouTube returns numerous videos with titles like 'Introduction to Breast Pumping.' But what exactly are these videos?

Four high school students, aged 16 to 18, have been arrested on suspicion of injuring a third-year junior high school boy in a park in Machida City, Tokyo, in May of this year.

A fire broke out at a shrine in Ami-machi, Ibaraki Prefecture, burning a sacred tree over 500 years old, with police investigating the cause as a lightning strike.

A regional headquarters of the Japan Coast Guard has arrested the head of the operating company of a sightseeing boat that sank off the coast of Hokkaido, northern Japan, in 2022. (NHK)