Jan 09 (Dengeki) - Toei Animation has announced that it will hold a limited four-day revival screening of "Pretty Cure All Stars F" from February 1st, which is known as Pretty Cure Day. You can find "Pretty Cure" on Amazon or search for "Pretty Cure" on Rakuten.
The "Pretty Cure 20th Anniversary" film, "Pretty Cure All Stars F," will be revived for a limited four days from February 1st (Thursday) to February 4th (Sunday), celebrating Pretty Cure Day! The TV anime series "Pretty Cure" began in 2004, and in February 2023, the series reached its 20th broadcast, marking the year as the 20th anniversary of Pretty Cure.
Various events were held to commemorate this milestone, such as the "All Pretty Cure Exhibition ~20th Anniversary Memories~," the "All Pretty Cure Parade," and the "All Pretty Cure 20th Anniversary LIVE!" concert.