TOKYO, Feb 05 (News On Japan) - Makoto Ojiro, known for "Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia," has launched a new manga series titled "Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!" in the February 5th issue of "Weekly Big Comic Spirits" 2024 No. 10, published by Shogakukan. The story begins with Hoshino, a member of the baseball club, encountering a crying girl while picking up baseballs. It is described as an "absolute obedience" romantic comedy between a "kind-hearted but slightly timid boy" and a "mysterious and elusive girl."
In addition to the news on "Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!", there are other articles featuring Papar Hoshino, including his participation in the live performances of three idol groups, and a collaboration with "Takane no Nadeshiko" titled "Cute and Sorry." Also mentioned are his first appearance on the special episode of "Ariyoshi no Kabe," and the participation of various entertainers such as "J" from Mononofu Nishimori. The announcement of a cheering screening for the "Ariyoshi no Kabe" event and the participation of entertainers like Go Yubi and Nikumai is also covered. Additionally, there is a mention of the participation of Cotton & Minamikawa after a long absence in the "Interesting Shinjuku People Selection Championship" on "Ariyoshi no Kabe."
Source: Natalie