TOKYO, Feb 16 (News On Japan) - The first volume of "Lunch Shu," a gourmet manga series by Sanko Takada based on the original work by Hika Harada, was released today on February 15. The story follows a woman named Sachiko Inumori, who works as a "watcher" staying up all night to keep an eye on requested items. After her night shifts, instead of enjoying a drink in the evening, she indulges in "lunchtime drinking."
"Lunch Shu" depicts the life of Sachiko as she encounters various people with their own circumstances through her job: a mother who cannot nurse her sick child due to working at night, a pet owner who must leave their dog at home, and a son worried about his mother with dementia who tends to wander. As Sachiko reflects on her own life, thoughts of her estranged husband and beloved daughter come to mind. It is in these moments of feeling lost after a night shift that a delicious meal and drink during lunchtime truly hit the spot.
In celebration of the release of the first volume, Comic Natalie is currently offering a limited-time free trial reading of "Lunch Shu." The trial includes the first chapter, where Sachiko recharges with a meat bowl and sweet potato shochu, the second chapter featuring a hamburger and beer, and the third chapter where she enjoys a cup of local sake from Nemuro at a sushi restaurant with a bowl of crab miso soup. Readers are encouraged to take this opportunity to try reading the manga.
The images accompanying this article are from the manga "Lunch Shu" by Sanko Takada and Hika Harada. The manga is available for purchase as of February 15, 2024, from KADOKAWA.
(c)Sanko Takada 2024 ©Hika Harada 2023
Source: Natalie