The theatrical anime "Look Back," a coming-of-age story by Tatsuki Fujimoto, is set to premiere nationwide on June 28, 2024.
The story follows Ayumu Fujino, an elementary student with a knack for manga who gains recognition through her comic strip in the school newspaper. Her artistic prowess is soon challenged by Kyomoto, a reclusive classmate whose own manga starts appearing next to Fujino's, showcasing superior talent. Frustrated and driven to excel, Fujino dedicates herself entirely to improving her skills, which strains her relationships with friends and family as she becomes consumed with surpassing Kyomoto.
Despite her efforts, Fujino falls short of Kyomoto’s level and eventually stops drawing. Upon transitioning to middle school, Fujino is given the task of delivering Kyomoto's diploma, as Kyomoto remains homebound due to severe agoraphobia. Inside Kyomoto's house, Fujino stumbles upon numerous sketchbooks and, in a moment of impulse, sketches a comic mocking Kyomoto. The drawing accidentally slips into Kyomoto’s room, revealing Fujino’s presence.
Kyomoto emerges, excited to meet Fujino and confesses her admiration for Fujino’s work, which she had been following for a long time. Flattered by Kyomoto’s genuine fandom and encouragement, Fujino is inspired to resume her passion for manga, planning to enter her work in contests once again.
Source: avex pictures