Apr 23 (News On Japan) - In the newly released teaser of "Cloud," a suspense thriller, the film delves into the harrowing theme of "collective madness" stemming from a chain of hatred.
The story centers around the protagonist, Yoshi, who suddenly becomes the target of a mysterious man in a sack mask. As the sinister figure appears, a voice can be heard from a computer screen filled with hateful messages directed at "Ratel": "I'm going to kill this guy." Unbeknownst to Yoshi, he finds himself thrust into the role of prey, sparking the fundamental questions: Why is he being targeted? And who is behind it?
Plagued by the uncertainty of why he has been singled out, Yoshi is propelled on a desperate quest for answers. As he navigates a dark and twisting path, the boundaries between victim and perpetrator blur. The film delves into the psychology of mob mentality and the dangers of digital anonymity, exploring how virtual hatred can manifest in the physical world with terrifying consequences.
Source: シネマトゥデイ