News On Japan

The Fundamentals of Effective Video Production

Mar 11 ( - It is easy to ignore the potential that high-quality videos offer. Sometimes, producing great videos can be perceived as a functional process that involves planning, shooting, and production.

If you follow the right video production process, you will have excellent videos that will resonate with your target audience and help you achieve your goals.

Keep in mind that video production is an art. With each step of the production process lies the potential to roll out more impactful content for your target audience. With internet video traffic experiencing exponential growth, experts believe that video will continue to play a critical role in marketing and other uses of video content.

Videos are more engaging than most forms of content. Marketing experts and video production experts at Spiel firmly believe that video production is one of the top ways to make content more engaging. Just think about it; in about 30 seconds or less, you can successfully share a lot of information that would otherwise require several blog posts. By focusing on the following fundamentals of video production, you can successfully make the type of videos you need.


Both business and non-profit organizations using video content enjoy 41 percent more web traffic from organic search compared to those that don’t use videos. Indeed, 85 percent of B2B marketers firmly believe that engagements at events are an important way to accelerate a potential buyer’s journey. That means video marketing is an effective way of promoting an event. This is possible only if your video shooting and production process are efficient.

It is possible to work with an outsourced video production company. However, this is a long, expensive process. The easiest way is to get the right video production tools you need and have an in-house video production team. Alternatively, you can collaborate with the videographer who understands the kind of videos you need for your organisation. This is an effective way of creating excellent videos without sacrificing quality.

Ease of use

Intuitive creation of videos and ease-of-use is also fundamental to the entire video production strategy. You will never include video content in your event marketing if these videos are too difficult, expensive, or time-consuming to create and share with your target audience. This is the main reason you should pay attention to the ease of use of your preferred video production software and the entire video created.

There are key areas every video platform should deliver in terms of ease-of-use. The first is planning. Check for reliable storyboards that allow you to create excellent video content and tell your story in the most interesting way possible. Such templates can be reused with just minimal modifications to deliver outstanding videos that are shareable and consistent.

Another key area is content. You need access to library content that includes rights-cleared images, music, social media content, and video clips. Such a form of content simplifies the entire video production process, and this could save you money and time. The video platform should offer advanced video editing capabilities and automated tools that could make the entire process a breeze, even if you are a beginner in the video production industry.


A recent survey suggested that social video generates approximately 1200 percent more shares compared to images and text combined. Additionally, an impressive 80% of internet users can remember a video advert they viewed within a period of 30 days. These numbers point to one thing - video content is a great way for gaining exposure, but only if marketers and other video users have a solid plan in place to successfully distribute those videos.

One of the top benefits of using video in marketing and other activities is the immense share-ability of such content. There are different platforms that you can use to distribute your videos successfully. These include social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. All these are valid and reliable outlets for your video content. One important thing to remember is that video content needs to be tailored for each of these channels. For instance, Facebook videos are different from most YouTube videos.

Another way of distributing your videos is through emails. A recent study revealed that email leads to about a 200% to 300% increase in click-through rates. That means sending out emails with a link to your YouTube videos or any other platform where you have shared your video could boost open rates, registrations, and click-through rates. Embedding relevant videos to your website landing page can also increase conversion by approximately 86%.

The other element of exposure you should consider is how your videos are used. For example, you can use video content at every stage of your event to drive awareness. Some of the pre-event concepts you can demonstrate or illustrate using videos include thought leadership, how to drive registrations, and promote speakers as well as event sponsors. During a special event, you can offer videos that generate real-time exposure by giving your target audience quotes, social media content and takeaways. After the event, you can share more videos to keep the buzz or event topics going viral.


Driving engagement is the last piece of the entire video production puzzle. If you do it correctly, your videos will be appealing to the target audience, and this could bring you closer to achieving your video production goal. Suppose you wanted to market an event using videos. 51% of digital marketers firmly believe that events strengthen current client relationships. So, you are on the right track if you plan to use videos to attract and retain clients.

Additionally, video content shared with the speakers and event sponsors can make them feel more important to your event and probably encourage them to share search videos with their own audience. Video content shared on social media channels can encourage more followers, comments, reactions, views, and even click click-through rate. Remember, your aim should be to start a conversation and keep your audience engaged.

Do you now realize that video production isn’t as challenging as you previously thought?

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