News On Japan

The Best National Parks in Visit in Japan

Apr 06 ( - One of the nicest things about visiting Japan is that there is so much to see and do.

This is a country packed full of culture, history and fun, so whatever you’re looking to do, you can be sure Japan will have it. For example, you could head to a city and check out a Kit Kat café, which is exactly how it sounds, or head to the Robot Restaurant, which is a whole new dining experience in itself.

If you want to visit a casino you’ll find that a little trickier, but not impossible. However online casinos are now quite popular in Japan as opposed to the big resorts. So just make sure you look for a recommended and safe online casino site. Pachinko is one of Japan's most popular casino games and so, if you are near to Tokyo, then checking out a place that offers this is highly recommended. If you are heading to this part of the world to take in some scenic views and natural beauty, then you won’t be disappointed.

Kushiro Shitsugen National Park

Situated in Hokkaido, this area of Japan was designated as a national park back in 1987. The decision behind this was driven by the fact that the marshland here is home to the Japanese Cranes – who are extremely endangered. Now the area is protected and you’re invited to visit some of the beauty this area of the world is home to. The weather here is usually good so it’s an ideal spot for walking, bird watching and even watching the Japanese Cranes in action.

Shiretoko National Park

This park is arguably one of Japan's most beautiful natural parks – with no access by road you’re only able to visit here on foot or by boat, which has helped to maintain this area’s natural beauty. There is occasionally ice here so if you’re looking to see some wintery beauty then make sure you pick the right time to visit. As well as being home to some beautiful nature it's also home to deer, foxes and brown bears so there is no end of wonderful things to see when you visit.

Mount Daisen

If you’re up for a bit of a trek then a visit to Mount Daisen is highly recommended. It’s a large (1729 metre high) volcanic mountain, the tallest in the region of Chugoku. The volcano itself has not erupted for thousands of years, so it’s considered a safe place to walk and hike. There is also the Deisenji Temple which is used as a place of reflection and prayer by the Buddhist community.

This is just a snapshot of some of the beauty this wonderful country has to offer. If you’re planning a trip here it is well worth doing some research first to see what is available in the area you’ll be visiting. That way you can fit in a trip to the casino, a mountain trek and anything else you want without too much hassle – it’s such a wonderful part of the world, it’s important to see as much of it as possible while you’re here.

News On Japan

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Emergency officials say the death toll from record rainfall in Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture has risen to nine. (NHK)

A Japanese government spokesperson says a Russian military airplane entered Japanese airspace three times on Monday. (NHK)

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has conveyed his country's intention to maintain support for Ukraine to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. (NHK)



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