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Navigating Between A Rock And A Hard Place: How To Settle Conflicts With Clients Successfully

May 12 ( - Surely, we all hope that our business will have few problems with customers. Products or services are good, delivery is fast and prices are average on the market, without excesses.

What else might people want? Well, unfortunately, life is more complicated, and issues can arise practically out of anything, from a delivery guy who did not smile while handing in the package to equipment breaking down on the day of purchase. So you’d better be prepared morally and practically to deal with such conflicts and solve them to mutual satisfaction. The good news is that if you look for conflict resolution training Melbourne or somewhere nearby, the training companies will inevitably offer a course on conflict with clients and how to handle it. So grab the chance and equip yourself and your team with valuable skills. And we will list the basics of approaching the conflict to give you a safe start.

Stick to the cold facts

It is easy to get lost in the emotional storm and lose the line of discussion of the actual problem. Don’t let that happen. Keep the focus on what happened, not on how a customer perceives it (just don’t mention it to the client). Get as much information as possible and put it together to have a whole picture. A customer may huff and puff, but you have to keep your emotions in check. Yes, you may (and should) get into the customer’s viewpoint to know exactly what should be fixed (or what assurance should be provided). But your key task is to evaluate dispassionately and get to the core of the issue.

Listen actively

To get to the core of the problem you need to be able to listen and hear what is said. It means that temporarily, you put your personality, experience, and viewpoints aside and accept the words of a client as they are. Look at the body language and expressions of a person; they can also give some ideas on how to tackle the problem. If a customer says that a device is not working, hear it as just that – a faulty device. Do not take it as a personal offense or an attack on your business and do not try to say that it is a customer’s inability to operate it. It’s a dead end.

Build a connection between you and a distressed client

If you hear what a customer is saying and if you can connect to a customer at this point, half of the work is done. How to build a rapport with an unhappy customer? A little manipulative way is to imitate the customer’s body language, tone of voice, and mood. Show your engagement by nodding, saying things like ‘aha, yes, sure’, and looking concerned. Recounting the concerns and complaints you heard from the client is a sure way to show your engagement and connection. Track the emotional condition of the client and imitate it, too. Like, to a nervous customer speak nervously, and vice versa.

Use a problem as a springboard to move to a conflict resolution

All mentioned above is only a path to the actual work: finding a solution. Do not dwell long on the problem itself. Let the customer vent off their irritation and then move to offer solutions. If they do not fit the customer’s vision, collaborate on finding the right one.

Be empathetic and friendly (as much as possible)

No matter how you navigate the conflict and what steps you take, remember to be kind and empathetic. At least imitate it, even if all you want is to hit the annoying customer and run away for good. We have all been in this place, so be patient. Be humble and do not try to push your agenda by aggressiveness or yelling. In the mild case, you will get a ‘minute of fame’ on the socials, which means financial losses in real life. In the worst case, a customer will call the police. So please, be empathetic and non-aggressive. Aggression never solved anything, trust us.

As a takeaway, remember the following: managing a conflict carefully and winding a solution pays off manifold in the long run. Good training will help you to get these precious business-saving skills.

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