News On Japan
Society | Mar 01

Situs Yayoi Ditemukan Memiliki Kaitan dengan Kerajaan Yamatai yang Penuh Teka-teki

Mar 01 (News On Japan) - Di tengah-tengah Cekungan Nara, di Kota Tahara Motosu, terdapat Situs Arkeologi Toga-Kagi, sebuah pemukiman berparit dari zaman Yayoi di Jepang yang berkembang pesat selama kurang lebih 700 tahun, tidak hanya dalam bidang kerajinan tangan tetapi juga dalam bidang perdagangan.

Situs ini memiliki hubungan yang mengejutkan dengan salah satu misteri terbesar dalam sejarah kuno: Kerajaan Yamatai. Video ini menggali romantisme sejarah yang agung dari situs ini.



A passerby has pledged a generous donation of 600 million yen to restore an aging community pool. Who is behind this remarkable gesture?

A man has been arrested for allegedly cutting a middle school girl’s coat and hair with scissors while passing her on a bicycle.

Authorities in Osaka's Nishinari Ward carried out a contentious forced eviction at the Airin General Center, a facility once central to the city’s day-laborer community, sparking protests from residents and supporters who condemned the move as a violation of human rights and dignity, while officials cited safety concerns and legal rulings as justification for the operation.


Kyoto City has unveiled a new strategy aimed at balancing the needs of residents with the demands of tourism, with Mayor Koji Matsui announcing plans to increase the lodging tax applied to hotels and inns within the city.

Akihabara, Tokyo’s iconic district for anime and electronics, is grappling with a worsening litter problem as foreign tourist numbers increase. Piles of garbage, particularly near Akihabara Station, have become a common sight, with discarded cans and bottles left around vending machines and on the streets.

Chiba Prefecture has announced a plan to revise the toll system on the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, currently being tested, by doubling toll fees during peak congestion hours from April next year.

The issue of diplomatic vehicles avoiding parking fines in Japan due to diplomatic immunity continues, with Russia reaching a record-high number of violations, accounting for 63% of the total.

The BBC has announced its 2024 edition of '100 Women,' celebrating individuals who have made a significant impact on society, selecting Japanese talent Naomi Watanabe (37) as one of the honorees.