News On Japan

Imperial couple briefed on child poverty

Jul 23 (NHK) - Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako have been briefed on efforts to support children living in poverty amid the new coronavirus outbreak.

The couple met on Tuesday with senior officials of the Cabinet Office and the head of KIDSDOOR, a non-profit organization that helps poor children. The briefing lasted for about 90 minutes.

The couple reportedly expressed concern, when they were told that about 40 percent of the activities aimed at providing needy children with meals had been suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak.

When they were told that the introduction of online classes helped familiarize children with the Internet, the Emperor reportedly expressed hope that the classes would make the children's futures brighter.

The Emperor donated 50 million yen, or about 468,000 dollars, this April to help finance projects for children, including those living in poverty. Some of the funds are being used to support online learning.

KIDSDOOR leader Watanabe Yumiko says she wants to convey the Emperor and Empress' feelings of support to the children.

Source: ANNnewsCH

News On Japan

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