News On Japan

A Guide to Growing Your Manga Collection

May 20 ( - Planning to expand your manga collection at a minimal cost? This guide can help you.

If you are an avid fan of reading and collecting manga, this guide will help you have an idea on how to collect more manga books at a cheaper rate. The greatest advantage of having a huge manga collection is that you can have everything at your fingertips.

You can pick out an old collection, and read it when you feel like it. It’s like your own personal archive. You no longer have to browse through the web or go to a library to read your favorite manga. It might just be an arms-reach away on your bookshelf.

However, you have to come to terms with the fact that collecting manga books can be quite expensive. You need to be financially stable to achieve your goals. There are cheaper ways than others to obtain a huge manga collection.

Ways to Obtain a Huge Manga Collection

Here are some ways you can expand your manga collection in a budget-friendly way.

1. Make Space in the Bookshelf

It doesn’t matter if your manga collection is small or big. The thing that matters is that you want to show off your prized possessions. And you can’t do that if you already have heaps of books on the bookshelf.

Before you start your manga collection, it’s important you make space for them. Take out all the unnecessary books, put them somewhere else or in a box, and set them aside. You want your shelf to shine with manga brilliance.

Moreover, it’s tough to spot the specific manga you want to read with heaps of books present already. If you don’t have a bookshelf, it’s about time you get one.

2. Don’t Get Manga You Won’t Read

It's possible to get overwhelmed by a large reading list, and you're less prone to really enjoy each manga if you acquire them in batches of a dozen.

Collecting manga books can be quite addictive. In that case, you might want to buy anything and everything. However, you might not be fond of all genres and there might be ones you won’t ever read. So, buying them is absolutely useless and a waste of space and money.

If you are wondering how to get manga that isn’t overly-priced and is good quality, we recommend this guide on how to buy manga from Japan.

Don't buy things just to have them. If the series doesn't catch your interest then you don't need it. If you aren't a fan of the "popular series" you don't need it; Your collection won't be less for it.

There’s no point in buying manga for the sake of just keeping them on display. Rather, buy manga you like and would enjoy reading. Get some manga that you would thoroughly enjoy, then slowly get more and more. By the end of the year, you’ll have a lot of manga books - more than what you expected.

Get cheap manga books from Goodwill or similar websites. That way if the quality is bad it will only cost around $2. If you feel in need of an upgrade in quality, you can go to Amazon. It’ll be a bit pricier, but if you think it’s worth it, then go for it. As long as you are satisfied with the final product.

Buy manga you haven't read or that you really want to read. Collecting is fun but only goes big if you're earning a generous income. Focus on expanding your options and collections!

Don't buy an expensive bookshelf in the beginning with the goal of filling it. Buy the manga first and let the interest in those be the propelling force that gets to buy more. The collecting should be due to interest in the manga, not a goal of filling a shelf.

3. List Down Your Favorite Series and Genre

There is a vast number of genres out there and an overwhelming number of manga series on offer. This might be quite overwhelming for beginners to start with. Hence, it is important to know which sort of genre you are interested in, or which series you want to start collecting.

You can always do your research, read summaries online, and get what you find the most interesting. From that, you can start to expand your collection by getting all the volumes of the manga.

However, if you already know your preference and the kind of genre you like, then start your collection from your favorite series.

4. Consider Buying Secondhand Manga Books or Boxed Sets

Collecting manga can be quite expensive so you might want to save as much money as possible. The best way to do this is to buy manga in bulk or already used.

It is not necessary that all your manga has to be new. If you are someone on a tight budget that wants to save money, then you should definitely consider buying used ones.

If you are worried about getting second-hand manga books that are in bad condition, don't worry. Most readers and manga collectors tend to take care of their collections really well.

So, you don't have to worry about yellow pages, rips, or bends in the cover when you get your used set of manga. You can find them in good condition in your local thrift shop or recycling center.

When purchasing manga, shop around. Numerous locations would offer a variety of rates and editions that will be a perfect match for your set. Buying a 3-in-1 set to cut costs or waiting to get one in your native language to support the local publishers are good examples. You shouldn’t ignore these places just because the chances are slim, but it is not impossible to find used manga in good condition.

Boxed sets are sold in bulk which is usually cheaper. So, if you are lucky enough you can get a lot of manga books at an affordable price.

Whenever practicable, purchase in bulk, be box sets, or full sets from individual retailers. It is much less expensive to buy in this manner. Occasionally, this is not available unless you would like to wait for the story to conclude or because not all series receive collections or omnibuses.

5. Try to Skip Collecting Long Series in the Beginning

Try to avoid collecting lengthy manga series in the beginning, because they are almost impossible to collect. Unless you enjoy a super lengthy manga series it is wise not to collect them.

Also, don't start too many series at once. It is easy to overwhelm yourself, lose track of where you are or lose your enjoyment of a series.

Even if it’s a lengthy series, you can try collecting the significant or your favorite volumes, rather than getting all of them. Don't push yourself to buy every single one of them if you simply can’t.

If they are super long series then try to set a limit and get those within the limit you’ve set.

Expand Your Fun Manga Collection

It’s a satisfying hobby to collect manga books that look great on your bookshelf! The good part about manga is that there is so much to explore. So, try something new and only get the ones you think you really like.

Once you start collecting there’s no stopping or going back. When you need a breather or an escape from stressful days, you can sit back and enjoy your vast collection. Don’t go overboard with the collection. It is better to stay at the limit and only get the series you require.

Don't spend your money just for the sake of having a huge collection. If you can save money in the process you can also buy a bookshelf with that money. This way, you can showcase your collection in a better way.

You can sit back and appreciate the art and story in each manga, once you are done collecting the manga collection you always wanted.

Happy reading!

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